
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mask or No Masks 9-15 4th Period

In case you are wondering, yes, I write - or in this case type - an entry every time we do this in each of the five sections I teach.  So this is episode number four at this topic, and I might be running out of things to say.  One person last period hinted at something interesting...are these two different approaches to the campaigns strategic?  Does Mr. Trump not usually wear a mask because he thinks it will get him more votes?  Does Mr. Biden wear a mask more often because he thinks that stance will get him more votes?  Does it really matter to voters whether or not our presidential candidates are wearing masks at all?  Are there really a whole lot of undecided folks that are going to ultimately determine how they vote based upon whether someone wears a mask?

I guess another way to look at this situation is what each candidate is trying to show with their decision.  Does wearing a mask show weakness?  Does wearing a mask show more adherence to science?  Does wearing a mask show more caring for others?  

We have to almost certainly agree that both campaigns are using the mask/no mask as some type of campaign strategy right?  Isn't that crazy in itself?  Who would have thought last year this time, that in a year we would be able to even utter the question of whether or not a candidate was selected based upon his choice of wearing a mask or not.  Last year this time, the virus didn't even exist in our worlds, and now we can't escape it's impact at all.  Geez...wouldn't it be nice to waive the magic wand and be done with all of it.

To be honest my vote has been decided for sometime, so the mask thing isn't a factor, but I do wonder if these two decisions will impact swing voters or not. 

Jaxon Brokaw, Tyler Free Dylan Stepanek, Dan Desmet, Abbi Hollerud, 

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