It seems to me very important to see faces and hear voices when it comes to attempting to form opinions on what to do about undocumented immigrants. Especially in our community where we don't have much diversity, it's only right that we dig a little into the issue somehow when we form our opinions or attempt to form our opinions. So does that video present information that perhaps adds information for you?
What I eventually hope you see is that immigration isn't a Trump thing or Obama thing or republican or democrat thing. In fact, immigration isn't a 2020 thing or a 1920 thing or an 1820 thing. Immigration has been a thing for as long as this country as we typically know it exists, but honestly immigration was a thing before even white and brown European explorers set foot on the shores of this country. The book I just finished reading talks about the inhabitants of this land much, much earlier than Columbus. In fact, evidence shows human life - much more advanced human life than you may know - existed well before Columbus ever arrived. This was not a "new world" that Columbus "discovered". He just traveled to a different world that had already had humans on it for a long, long time. Columbus was an immigrant, and all the white and brown explorers and eventual settlers were all immigrants. They weren't documented; they didn't go through some process of citizenship.
So advance now to 2020 when people just want to come to the U.S. for better for themselves. What do we do?
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