6:24 a.m.- I didn't sleep very well last night, which was weird. I really thought I would sleep well. I started thinking about Chase, Carmen, and Cole, and my mind just wouldn't settle down. Eventually I did fall back to sleep after waking up around 2 a.m.
Yesterday worked out fine. School was okay with the students a little groggy as expected from their prom weekend. The softball game was a wind-driven battle of terrible softball. One team just couldn't get outs. I wish the IHSA would go to three innings for the mercy rule instead of four. I have yet to see a team come back and even come close to winning after being down 15 runs with three innings or less in the game. I do have a new least favorite softball coach...the new Orion assistant is just not much fun.
I did reserve Site 19 at Loud Thunder for this weekend. Temps will be warmer, so it will be a good weekend to get out again. I would like to go somewhere else, but I'll need to work on the pool and the yard on Saturday, so there is no sense on taking the Eagle very far when I have a few hours of work to do at home.
Tonight could be worse...Riverdale has some good hitting and Hall isn't very strong. Maybe that continued north wind will keep the ball in the field at least. Today at school we'll wrap up the unit on transcendentalism and proceed forward - heading to the novel unit.
Things to do for school
- score and enter scores for vocab quiz
- create and post lesson plan for May 4
Things to do
- send message to MonRose and Orion
- send message to Orion about media on field
- contact Braeden...9/11, 9/13, 9/25
- receive new indicators
- figure out how to cancel Fledge App
- Update/Register for IHSA - volleyball, softball, basketball- begins Monday, May 8
- Split wood at Shawn's
- Springfield trip - Double J https://doublejcampground.com/ -$62.00 per day
22 - IHSA 1A/2A sectionals & IHSA 3A/4A regionals
29 - IHSA 1A/2A supersectional & IHSA 3A/4A sectionals
June 2-3 - IHSA 1A/2A state finals
June 5 - IHSA 3A/4A supersectional
June 9-10 - IHSA 3A/4A
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