
Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday, May 22

5:43 a.m. - Yesterday afternoon we went to the RHS graduation ceremony, and all the speakers did a great job.  After that I went to Taylor's graduation party in Geneseo.  I don't see that side of the Bizarri family very much, so it was nice to sit down with them and chit-chat and catch-up on how all of them are doing.  Just before I left, Taylor and her friend were being silly and singing some karioke, and they both had beautiful voices.  Amber didn't go because she wasn't feeling well.  

After that Shawn Strachan was awesome.  After he and I got home, he called to take a look at that mower deck.  He said he could fix it, and we loaded up the deck in the truck and made our way over to his shop where he did just that.  He saved me hundreds of dollars, perhaps thousands if I would have had to buy a new lawn tractor.  He then finished up his waxing job on his trailer - Big Red.  He did a lot of work on that trailer, and it looks nice.  I hope he gets to get out with it soon.  

Today...get through the school day, get some work done, and get home and put the tractor together, I hope.  I would like to sharpen the blades to the mower before I put it all together, so maybe I'll do that first....I can pay mom and dad a visit too.  

The weather is supposed to be warmer this week, but the temps on this morning's forecast didn't look as hot as what was earlier predicted last week.  I just want to get through this damn 4A softball regional as painlessly as possible.  Actually, I want to get through the whole week as painlessly as possible.

Things to do for school

  • create May 23, 24, 25 lesson plans and post
  • Score and enter journal evaluation scores
    • 3rd, 4th, 6th periods done
  • Monday enter scores for 451 end of book
  • enter scores for exit survey completion

Things to do

  • send riverdale volleyball contract back to them
  • pay Verizon bill
  • Amber's Birthday
  • replace pool motor seals - haven't received that yet
  • fix pavement stone by hot tub
  • put riding mower back together
  • recycle chlorine jugs - West Lake
  • spray weed killer
  • plant grass seed to stop erosion
  • clean the pool again
  • get check from MonRose from wash - $70
  • May 24 - Chase's birthday
  • June 23-24-25-26 -- Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day

22 - OPEN
23 - 4:30 p.m. at UT IHSA 4A regional -- Pekin vs. Normal Community
24 - 4:30 p.m. at UT IHSA 4A regional -- Moline vs. United Township
25 - BLOCKED OPEN (could potentially try West Lake first come/first serve)
26 - 4:30 p.m. at UT IHSA 4A regional -- championship
28 - Sunday
29 - BLOCKED OPEN - Memorial Day

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