7:25 a.m. - Yesterday went fine...got the camper out to the campground, went to Brooklyn's pre-school graduation, and went back to the campground. I cooked supper on the campfire, which was nice, watched a little Hogan's Heroes, and went to bed. Today, I just want to get through school, come home and mow the yard, and head back out to the campground.
Things to do for school
- get copies of exams to Mrs. Hasson
- Score and enter journal evaluation scores
- Monday enter scores for 451 end of book
- Enter scores for today's section questions
- 451 - pages - 134-150
- Ox-Bow - 209-end of book - 4th period finished
Things to do
- send riverdale volleyball contract back to them
- mow the yard
- pay Verizon bill
- Amber's Birthday
- post answer to Loud Thunder question of the week - Alix
- replace pool motor seals - haven't received that yet
- fix pavement stone by hot tub
- fix deck adjustment on riding mower
- recycle chlorine jugs - West Lake
- spray weed killer
- plant grass seed to stop erosion
- clean the pool again
- get check from MonRose from wash - $70
- Sunday, May 21 - Ryan's daughter's grad party
- May 24 - Chase's birthday
- June 23-24-25-26 -- Springfield trip - Double J https://doublejcampground.com/ -$62.00 per day
22 - OPEN
23 - 4:30 p.m. at UT IHSA 4A regional -- Pekin vs. Normal Community
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