
Monday, May 1, 2023

Monday, May 1

5:52 a.m. - The winds are a howling!  And we have a ghost in our house.  Last week it was fire alarms; last night it was a voice.  About 4 a.m., what sounded like a woman's voice said something.  Actually my guess it was a toy from the living room play area, but it was still a little creepy.  

Yesterday after getting home and unloading the camper, I did a few things around the house but mostly chilled out on the couch after visiting with my parents.  I also called Darren to see how his recovery is doing with his knee replacement...he sounds okay, but being at home a lot is wearing on him.

Today at school should be pretty quiet. Students will be a little groggy from prom weekend, and we are going to finish up a film, hand in an assignment, and then study for a little vocabulary quiz.  One thing I do need to do is figure out our next direction...I think we are headed for the novel unit, which means I need to collect textbooks and distribute novel copies.

The weather looks bad today and tomorrow, but it appears not bad enough to cancel softball.  I just don't enjoy being out there in cold gusty winds.  The weather is looking good for the weekend, so I'm seeing another opportunity to get the camper out.

Here at the house, Amber is preparing for a yard sale...sounds like a lot of work with very little reward to me.  If I don't need it, and it works, give it away.  If I don't need it, and it doesn't work, throw it away.  That's really the motto I sort of go with.

I finished reading a book this weekend - A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold.  The copyright was 1949; he was a Henry David Thoreau and Richard Proenneke type of a guy.  His concern and worry for our planet were heartfelt.  Basically, his premise is that or world his connected by all the living things and damaging or eliminating some living things disrupt and have a ripple effect.  He seemed to express that the answer was that we need more people to understand and care for that reality.  We can't treat the environment as a prize or something to make money off of...we need to treat the environment carefully and considerately because it's changes will have an impact on all living things...including humans.  

Things to do for school

  • enter scores for Thoreau-Proenneke comparison assignment - Monday
  • create and post May 2 lesson plan

Things to do

  • Consider camping this weekend - booked Loud Thunder
  • Update/Register for IHSA - volleyball, softball, basketball- begins Monday, May 8
  • Split wood at Shawn's
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day

1 - at Orion - with Lennie - var/fs vs. MonRose
2 - at Riverdale - with Kelly - var vs. Hall
3 - at AlWood - with Jason - var/fs vs. Sherrard
4 - at MonRose - with Jason - var/fs vs. Orion
5-6-7 - weekend
8 - at Annawan - with Lennie - var DH vs. Ridgewood 4 p.m.
9 - at Geneseo - with Lloyd - var vs. Rock Island
10 - at Kewanee - with Jason - var vs. Rock Island
11 - at Merco - with Cahill - var/fs vs. Annawan-Wethersfield
12-13-14 - weekend
15 - IHSA 1A/2A regionals

22 - IHSA 1A/2A sectionals & IHSA 3A/4A regionals
29 - IHSA 1A/2A supersectional & IHSA 3A/4A sectionals
June 2-3 - IHSA 1A/2A state finals
June 5 - IHSA 3A/4A supersectional
June 9-10 - IHSA 3A/4A

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