
Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sunday, May 14 - Happy Mother's Day

5:47 a.m. - Yesterday was a busy day; I didn't even get a chance to post a blog entry.  I woke up and Amber was already up setting up for her garage sale.  So for me it was also time to get up and get to work...put chlorine in the pool, get to Shawn's and finish the wood splitting, then get to my mom's and get her garden tilled, then get back home and grab my wallet and get to Aledo to pick up some bird seed and soil and a Mother's Day card, then back home to help Amber tear down her yard sale and take the unsold products to Goodwill, then back home for more work on the yard before the rains, and finally a little down time.  I watched a little television and then the Strachans stopped by to visit.  We ended the night by taking our first hot tub dip.  Amber got an inflatable hot tub from her kids, and it was ready to try out.  That was a day of a lot of stuff.

Today is Mother's Day, and my mom has always been one of my most powerful role models.  We don't agree on everything, but she's a go-getter, and she can be very stubborn with her beliefs.  I am a lot like her in a lot of ways.  It was great yesterday to get over there and till that garden; it always makes me smile.  They have this rototiller that was beyond it's prime twenty years ago.  So every year we take the poor thing out, use starter fluid to get it going, and it eventually fires and it limps along to get her garden tilled.  Every year I want to threaten her to get a new tiller; every year she reminds me we use it once a year for an hour, so why get something new - and she's right.  I enjoy doing things for her because of how much she's done for me.  Sometime I worry about her because she may need to slow down a bit, but that's not her, and it wouldn't be how she wants to live.  Go get 'em mom, Happy Mother's Day.  Let's go bust that rototiller once every spring for an hour for many, many more years.

So today I want to get a few things done around the house and then head to Mother's Day festivities.  I may end up going to church service today...apparently Brinley and Brooklyn are singing.  I'd like to get the pool cleaned, and then I wouldn't mind mowing the yard today again even if I did mow it Friday.  I need to work on the deck, as it's uneven again; that thing is always giving me issues.  It would be nice to purchase a new riding mower.

Things to do for school

  • post lesson plan for May 16
  • post next questions for May 16
  • figure out semester exams (I do have tests for both novels.)

Things to do

  • place order at Doheny's
  • replace pool motor seals
  • fix pavement stone by hot tub
  • fix deck adjustment on riding mower
  • recycle chlorine jugs - West Lake
  • plant grass seed to stop erosion
  • deposit checks into the bank
  • clean the pool again
  • get out new license received in the mail
  • renew stickers for the vehicles online
  • get check from MonRose from wash - $70
  • May 24 - Chase's birthday
  • June 23-24-25-26 -- Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day

15 - OPEN
16 - 4 p.m. at Annawan IHSA 1A regional -- Saint Bede vs. Winner of Midland and Lowpoint Washburn.
17 - 4 p.m. at Annawan IHSA 1A regional -- Wethersfield vs. Stark County
18 - OPEN
19 - OPEN
20 - 11 a.m. at Annawan IHSA 1A regional - winners
22 - OPEN
23 - 4:30 p.m. at UT IHSA 4A regional -- Pekin vs. Normal Community
24 - 4:30 p.m. at UT IHSA 4A regional -- Moline vs. United Township
25 - BLOCKED OPEN (could potentially try West Lake first come/first serve)
26 - 4:30 p.m. at UT IHSA 4A regional -- championship
28 - Sunday
29 - BLOCKED OPEN - Memorial Day

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