
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Thursday, May 4, 2023 - Happy Birthday Kourtney and Karrigan

6:00 a.m. - I missed the pizza birthday party last night for Kourtney and Karrigan, but I enjoyed the leftover pizza when I returned home from a long night of softball.  Sometimes we get paid for two games and only work one game or maybe just part of a JV game.  On rare occasions, we have to work two full games...that was last night.  The games weren't bad; it was just a later than normal night.

That night followed what was another normal day at school.  We have started into the novel unit now, and that will get us through the rest of the school year.

The weekend weather is becoming a little problematic...may see a little rain during set up of the camper on Friday afternoon.  Saturday and Sunday look pretty good, so that's okay.

The brackets for softball postseason have come out.  I don't know where the heck I'll be going.  Wherever it is, it doesn't look close.  

Today...should be another normal day...I need to get the garbage out to the curb - might be a recycling day too.  Then it's off to Monmouth for my last game with the Titans...I think.  I've had them several times this season.  And they are playing Orion, so it will be a "highly competitive" match-up.

Things to do for school

  • Carson and Christian need grade check
  • enter scores for novel background assignment Friday

Things to do

  • send message to Ridgewood and Sherrard
  • post answer to Loud Thunder question
  • receive new indicators
  • receive copies of OxBow Incident
  • figure out how to cancel Fledge App
  • Update/Register for IHSA - volleyball, softball, basketball- begins Monday, May 8
  • Split wood at Shawn's
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day

4 - at MonRose - with Jason - var/fs vs. Orion
5-6-7 - weekend
8 - at Annawan - with Lennie - var DH vs. Ridgewood 4 p.m.
9 - at Geneseo - with Lloyd - var vs. Rock Island
10 - at Kewanee - with Jason - var vs. Rock Island
11 - at Merco - with Cahill - var/fs vs. Annawan-Wethersfield
12-13-14 - weekend
15 - IHSA 1A/2A regionals

22 - IHSA 1A/2A sectionals & IHSA 3A/4A regionals
29 - IHSA 1A/2A supersectional & IHSA 3A/4A sectionals
June 2-3 - IHSA 1A/2A state finals
June 5 - IHSA 3A/4A supersectional
June 9-10 - IHSA 3A/4A

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