
Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sunday, Oct. 2

1:43 p.m. - It was the kind of weather for camping that was absolutely perfect.  We squeezed in roasted hot dogs and smores, a trip to the local Mexican restaurant, and two awesome breakfast meals on the Blackstone.  We also enjoyed two beautiful campfire nights, and I got in a wonderful 3-hour hike around the entire West Lake Park, even parts I'd never seen before.  Now we are back with the camper parked and ready to go for next weekend!  If the weather is half as nice, we'll be blessed again.

Things to do for school

  • Enter remaining Khan scores Sunday - prepositions and conjunctions
  • Schedule Thursday's Khan test in classroom
  • Share Rocket Closet stuff next learning lab
  • look into a new textbook for English III
  • Oct. 3 - next EN101 check in day

Things to do

  • get the button on my basketball officiating pants sewn back on
  • get partners for Nov. 11 & 18 scrimmages at MonRose
    • Tad, Shawn, Robbie (11); Marcus, me, Tucker (18)
  • Friday, November 18 - 9:30 a.m.
  • clean the pool 
  • Water damage to camper - and have brakes inspected and bearings repacked

30, 10/1, 10/2 - CAMPING WEEKEND!

3 - VB at Cambridge with Braeden 5 p.m.
4 - VB at Kewanee with Ralph 5 p.m.
5 - JHGBK at Merco with Shawn 5:30?
7-8-9-10  - CAMPING AT Wilson Lake Campground
   reservation made - campsite 8
11 - VB at North Scott FR - 6 p.m. with Bill Weimers
12 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
13 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
14-15-16 - OPEN WEEKEND - camping in Darlington with Shawn!
17 - VB at Sherrard with Braeden - 5 p.m.
18 - VB at Erie with Braeden - 5 p.m.
19 - OPEN
20 - OPEN
21-22-23 - OPEN WEEKEND
24 - OPEN - Volleyball Regionals volleyball season is over
25 - OPEN
26 - blocked open P-T Conferences
27 - blocked open P-T Conferences
28-29-30 - OPEN -- Final Weekend of Camping -- Loud Thunder
31 - OPEN

1 - OPEN
2 - at ROWVA JHGBK with Shawn
3 - OPEN
7 - JHGBK at Orion 5:30 with Tucker I think
8 - at MercoJHGBK with Shawn
9 - at ROWVA JHGBK with Shawn
10 - at ROWVA JHBBK with Shawn
11 - at MonRose girls scrimmage - 5:30
12-13 - OPEN WEEKEND -- HS basketball begins next week

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