7:23 - The Harrison kids spent the night with us after Amber and I helped Kenzie and Darrin move some of their house stuff. Yesterday was a long, long day, but we got through it. I didn't sleep well last night because Luke is not a good sleeping buddy.
Things to do for school
- enter PSAT survey completion scores
- check public speaking assignments for completion
- look through results of PSAT experience and share
- finalize Khan Academy scores (commas) on Sunday
- look into a new textbook for English III
- Next check-in Thursday, Oct. 27
Things to do
- winterize the pool and cover it
- register for QCOA - send check for $20
- Rocky Jones927 W. 60th StreetDavenport, IA 52806
- Oct. 20 - flue shot
- Oct. 26 - Bring chips for potluck
- Friday, November 18 - 9:30 a.m. - doctor (physical)
- Water damage to camper - and have brakes inspected and bearings repacked
- J&J Camper - (309) 792-2795
- Quad Cities Camper Services - (309) 797-4390
17 - VB at Sherrard with Braeden - 5 p.m.
18 - VB at Erie with Braeden - 5 p.m.- my volleyball season is over
19 - blocked OPEN
20 - blocked OPEN
21-22-23 - OPEN WEEKEND
24 - blocked OPEN
25 - blocked OPEN
26 - blocked open P-T Conferences (2:10 dismissal)
27 - blocked open P-T Conferences (2:10 dismissal) - get camper to Loud Thunder?
28 - no school (camping)
-29-30 - OPEN -- Final Weekend of Camping -- Loud Thunder
31 - blocked OPEN
1 - at Washington JH 4 p.m.
2 - at ROWVA JHGBK with Shawn
3 - at Washington JH 4 p.m.
7 - JHGBK at Orion 5:30 with Tucker I think
8 - at MercoJHGBK with Shawn
9 - at ROWVA JHGBK with Shawn
10 - at ROWVA JHBBK with Shawn
11 - at MonRose girls scrimmage - 5:30
12-13 - OPEN WEEKEND -- HS basketball begins next week
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