2:10 p.m. - I just finished a great book...a little disappointing because it was a little too "happily ever after", but the ending wasn't predictable, which I appreciated. Hospitalizations in Illinois climbed again. I sent out a couple more group emails to folks in the school district trying to once again gather more information...more viewpoints. I admit that the more I try to wrap my brain around the situation, the more dismal I feel. How does a person try to get more people to think about other more people? That's inspiration right? Getting things done means trying to inspire others to try to think about more others. Yet, just worrying about one's self is often challenging enough, right? How does someone have enough time and energy to take care of self and then not only care about others but care enough and devote enough time and energy to get other to care more about others? Is that what most problems come down too? Republican vs. Democrat...wealthy versus middle class versus poverty? Mask or anti-mask? Hybrid model versus 5-day instruction? Trump versus Biden?
I know right now I'm energy depleted, and it's not because I'm physically worn out, and it's not that I'm mentally worn out. In fact, I think it's because I'm too stagnant. I'm sitting around too much which is bad for me. I need a balance...I need activity followed by rest to recharge...without activity, though, I just feel sluggish.
Things to do for school
- Complete another evaluation of Mrs. Mitola next week.
- Fix the green door.
- Friday - Cole's performance.
- Saturday-Sunday - Umpiring in Bettendorf
- Check gmail messages.
- Wash the trailer.
- Winterize the trailer.
- Stats
- February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.
- March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
- As of May 29 (3 months), there were 120,260 positive cases and 5,390 deaths.
- As of June 29 (4 months), there were 142, 461 positive cases and 6,902 deaths.
- As of July 31 (5 months), there were 178,837 positive cases and 7,495 deaths.
- As of August 29 (6 months), there were 231,363 positive cases and 8,008 deaths.
- How did I miss September 29?
- hospitalizations - 489
- hospitalizations - 502
- hospitalizations - 525
- RI County - 3,766 positive cases; 89 deaths
- 61284 - 47 reported positive cases
- RI County - 3,822 positive cases; 89 deaths
- 61284 - 50 reported positive cases
a humble heart, that I may hear;
a heart of love, that I may serve;
a heart of faith, that I may abide in the spirit.
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