How in the heck does he now about both of those things? Now I'm intrigued what he may come up with. By the way, I think it was maybe first period that we started talking about weird fair food, like at the Mississippi Valley Fair when you can buy deep fried tweenkies or deep fried snickers. One person stated that you can also purchase deep fried butter, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like that.
I wonder if Mr. Watson has a narrow pallet. I will almost try everything and anything because I like to try to experience new things; I wonder if he's like that. Unfortunately, I have two big dislikes. I can't eat liver. Notice I said can't. It's not that I don't like it, I physically start to gag lie a cat with a hairball. So liver is out for me. Also I really don't like olives. I can eat them, but I don't like them at all, and a lot of my family members can just eat them right out of the can or jar like candy. Yuck.
I haven't shared this today, but I know back in the day when my grandparents raised and butchered chickens that they would save and eat many of the organs. I can remember them eating gizzards and hearts, but I don't think I ever tried it. I probably didn't eat that because of the idea more than anything else.
Something that popped into my head was that show called survivor. Wasn't it the Survivor series that often had the contestants eating some weird like bugs or some other weird type of food. I don't think I could do something like that. Now oysters I can eat and often do around Christmas.
Logan Watson, Aiden Leemans, Connor Shaffer,
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