10:09 a.m. - I've watched church service, stretched, completed 10-minute ab exercise, walked with Lily, and while walking with Lily listened to Fledge Fitness Podcast, in which I heard about naturally essence sparkling water, which I'm going to have to find more out about.
4:30 p.m. - i got the yard mowed and decided to move some bricks and firewood that were in the backyard. I moved them out by the back shed, and I think I may try to have a tiny little garden in the backyard...maybe a couple of tomato plants, green peppers, and some cucumbers. It was nice to be outside doing yardwork today.
Things for today
4:30 p.m. - i got the yard mowed and decided to move some bricks and firewood that were in the backyard. I moved them out by the back shed, and I think I may try to have a tiny little garden in the backyard...maybe a couple of tomato plants, green peppers, and some cucumbers. It was nice to be outside doing yardwork today.
Things for today
- Possible
- Scheduled
- 8:00 a.m. - Watch RUMC church service
- Other
- Mow the yard. DONE
- Update student scores after 4 p.m.
- training path #3, FRW, blog for the week
- make-up assignments
Some states are easing stay-at-home restrictions for residents; others or not. A medical expert interviewed on the Today show suggested that when people start to get together again, things will be fine for 2-3 weeks because the virus will spread silently for that period. People will then become sick again without really knowing where they got it, and medical facilities then have a chance to become too burdened. The data seems to suggest that until more comprehensive testing and tracing is in place, easing restrictions is potentially problematic. These protesters in these states....mostly white and frequently wearing Trump merchandise...are louder than folks that are staying at home and following the restrictions, but a PEW research poll says 2/3 of those people polled are concerned that easing restrictions is a bad idea.
- Illinois Stats
- February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.
- March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
- 130,163 tested (+7,574); 27,575 positive (+1,842); 1,134 deaths (+62)
- 21.1% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 4.1% of all positive cases recorded have died
- 137,404 tested (+7,241); 29,160 positive (+1,585); 1,259 deaths (+125)
- 21.2% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 4.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
- 143,318 tested (+5,194); 30,357 positive (+1,197; 1,290 deaths (+31)
- 21.1% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 4.2% of all positive cases recorded have died
- numbers are questionable today...Sunday usually seem to be lower numbers...fewer deaths for some reason, so while the number of deaths are fewer, hopefully that will be the case tomorrow.
- Tackle some "someday" topics on my Blogger list.
- Figure out if I'm going to get new stickers for the truck.
- Slaydens - get truck tire fixed, get oil part installed, get oil changed
- Paint the shed.
- Open the pool.
- Weed the ditch
- fix the bad ditch spots with water run-off problems
- Continue scoring research papers.
- Finish course syllabus
Things For E-Learning
- Still can update EnvisonMe sites
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