
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

2020 - E-Learning - Day 7

9:49 a.m. - I got in another bike ride this morning, and it was a beautiful morning other than the wind picking up in my face on my way back, but I just thanked the universe for some free resistance and kept on peddling.  My weight has gone down for the fourth day in a row, which is AWESOME news.  I've been trying to be more active during the day...more walks, yardwork, to-do list items...and I've been trying to lay-off the chips and sugary snacks.  I need to keep the trend going down.  I want a flatter belly and decreased love handles!

Things for today
  • Possible
    • Send Carmen and Cole Easter cards and gift certificates.
  • Scheduled
    • Write recommendation letter for Kaitlyn Taylor (still waiting response from her)
  • Other

Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (4/8)

The coronavirus news feels like a consistent roller coaster - sometimes there is news that is "light at the end of the tunnel", and sometimes there's news that is "there will be a lot of death".  Sometimes there's news of drugs to help; sometimes there's news of not enough PPE.  
  • Illinois Stats
    • February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois. 
    • March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases. 

      • 62942 tested; 12,262 positive; 307 deaths
        • 19.6 % of all tests recorded have tested positive
        • 2.5% of all positive cases recorded have died
        • 68,732 tested; 13,549 positive; 380 deaths
          • 19.7% of all tests recorded have tested positive
          • 2.8% of all positive cases recorded have died
      • TODAY
        • 75,066 tested;  15,078 positive; 462 deaths
          • 20.0% of all tests recorded have tested positive
          • 3.0% of all positive cases recorded have died
          • The numbers are going the wrong way.
    Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
    • Tackle some "someday" topics on my Blogger list.
    • Figure out if I'm going to get new stickers for the truck.
    • Figure out how to get that oil tube piece in the HHR.
    Things At/For School
    • Continue scoring research papers.
    • Finish course syllabus
    Things For E-Learning
    • Still can update EnvisonMe sites

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