
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Sunday, April 12 - Happy Easter!

3:52 a.m. - My sleep cycle is really off.  Here it is almost 4:00 a.m. again, and I'm up and really can't fall back to sleep.  I think today needs to be a big exercise day in order to tire myself out and see if I can't get back on a better sleep rhythm.

I think Amber is making Easter morning breakfast, so I'll probably deviate from my normal eating plan, but that's okay.  I also think we have some of her family coming and going, so maybe we'll see some kids.  I won't be seeing my children, but I'm going to try to video chat with Carmen and Cole, and I have an Easter mailing to go out to them.  I won't see Chase, and I'll try to video chat with mom and dad too.  I'll admit that holidays are sometimes tough on the heart for this divorced dad.  Holidays tend to bring back memories, which are good, but remind me of what once was but will never be again.

I'm not sure of RUMC service schedule.  I should probably check that out...maybe even check out other recent message I have missed.

5:19 a.m. - Well, I checked, and I'm still up, so I viewed the recent messages/services from RUMC, including this morning's service.  I also did some "googling" about Easter and Jews and Muslims.  I find it interesting that religions have different stories and different celebrations, yet the "biggies" as far as philosophies and beliefs are pretty similar.  Unfortunately the differences have often let to extreme and needless conflict.  We don't all have to be "right" about everything to be accepting of others who may not share the exact same perspectives as us.  There doesn't have to be one least that's how I see it.

6:17 p.m. - We got to see the Harrisons, the Southwells, and Karrigan this morning for breakfast!  There was also an Easter Egg hunt, but we didn't think there was going to be a hunt, so the eggs were empty.  We'll have to correct that for next year.  It so cool to play toys and color and chase and run around.  After the kids and grandkids left, I got a little work done, did some paperwork, dropped some mail in the mailbox, got a walk in, and helped mom get her rototiller in the truck.  When I got back home after that, I finished a dirty thirty workout downstairs, and then I ate again.  This is my second meal of the day, which never happens, so tomorrow's weight gain will be interesting.  I'm planning on a walk this evening...hopefully going to watch an 83-84 basketball game and walk on the treadmill.

Things for today
  • Possible
    • Revise turned in assignments from this week.
    • See if any assignments are turned in from last week.
    • Send Carmen and Cole Easter cards and gift certificates - DONE
  • Scheduled
    • Write recommendation letter for Kaitlyn Taylor (still waiting response from her)
  • Other
    • Enter Training Path #2 scores and send feedback.
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (4/11)
  • Illinois Stats
    • February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois. 
    • March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
    • 87,527 tested (+6,670); 17,887 (+1,455) positive; 596 deaths (+68)
      • 20.4% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 3.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • 92,799 tested (+5,272); 19,180 positive (+1,293); 677 deaths (+81)
      • 20.6% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 3.5% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • 100,735 tested (+7,936); 20,852 (+1,672) positive; 720 deaths (+43)
      • 20.6% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 3.4% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • The numbers indicate the possibility of a plateau?  (or does Easter have something to do with this?)
    Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
    • Tackle some "someday" topics on my Blogger list.
    • Figure out if I'm going to get new stickers for the truck.
    • Figure out how to get that oil tube piece in the HHR.
    • Paint the shed.
    Things At/For School
    • Continue scoring research papers.
    • Finish course syllabus
    Things For E-Learning
    • Still can update EnvisonMe sites

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