
Saturday, April 4, 2020

2020 - E-Learning - Day 3

1:40 p.m. - This is a late start to the blog today.  Amber and I are helping Kenzie and Darren with daycare of their two little girls, and I now have a better appreciation for what teachers and parents are going through in this shelter-in-place time period - trying to entertain and keep the little ones safe and be available for students is a challenge.  I finally got a chance to stretch and do my 10-minute sit-ups routine, when the two little buggars finally got tired and took a nap.  The staff meeting this morning included one or the other or both at times on my lap while I was listening in.  I also was able to "grade" the first little activity of the e-learning coursework for the English III students.  I'm having students use blogger to create a blog that we are going to use each week for journal write purposes.  Some of the students struggled to get it all figured out, and there are a few yet not completed, but we are getting close.  I'm hoping to get outside and maybe get a walk or jog.  It's chilly and windy and gray today, though, so I might get relegated to the treadmill.

Things for today
  • Possible
    • get outside for a run/walk or maybe a bike ride.
    • get spark plug out of mower and purchase another one
    • Write Chase a letter and mail it.
    • Get a check to Cole for his birthday.
    • Send Carmen and Cole Easter cards and gift certificates.
    • Watch Fledge Fitness video from yesterday
    • Send Katy a message about disengaged students (shared sheet?)
  • Scheduled
    • TODAY - 10 a.m. - HS Staff Meeting - Done
    • Write recommendation letters for Elizabeth Johnson
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (4/1)

  • I'm VERY fortunate compared to many others.  I can go for walks in my community.  I have an exercise area downstairs.  I have technology that allows me to the internet and to have videochats with my family.  I'm still employed to work from home, and I'm getting paid like normal.  I'm healthy, and so far I don't have any friends or family members ill from the virus.  I'm an empty-nester, so that 
  • Illinois Stats
    • February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.  It's just been over a month now since the first case.
    • March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.  
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
  • Get the lawn tractor ready to go - sharpen the blades.
    • pick up my umpiring/officiating pants at Monster Sewing - was scheduled for this past Tuesday.
    • Tackle some "someday" topics on my Blogger list.
    • Move the picnic table to the pool, move the snowblower to the corner of the garage, and move my bike to the area by the car.
    • Figure out if I'm going to get new stickers for the truck.
    • Figure out how to get that oil tube piece in the HHR.
    Things At/For School
    • Continue scoring research papers.
    • Make a guidelines/expectations/tutorial of participating in Google Meets live session.
    • Post a morning video clip and schedule in Google Classroom for 10 a.m.
    • Schedule the first E-Learning assignment in Google Classroom for 9 a.m. March 31.
      • March 31 - assignment will be to create a blogger journal site and add and publish a post
        • determine who/if you want to share
        • must at least share with me by giving me the website address and permission
        • complete a google form with last name, first name, class period, and blogger website
        • include a YouTube tutorial
      • April 1 - Free Read for 20 min. and complete google form survey slip
      • April 2 - View presentation(s) of ISAC representative - due Sunday by 4 p.m.
        • google form answers
      • April 3 - Live GMEET Friday!
    • Edit/update English III E-Learning Guidelines
      • grading
      • units of instruction
    • Finish course syllabus
    Things For E-Learning
    • Read a new book to the students.
    • Still could do short stories unit
    • Would need to get novels out to students to complete those units.
    • Still can update EnvisonMe sites
    • I could read a part of a story or a short story from my books on Google Meet

    Prior to 10:00 a.m.
    - wake-up, feed animals, make a cup of coffee, watch the morning news (usually around 6 a.m.)
    - stretch and exercise (varies) and clean kitty litter
    - weigh myself and enter weight in the Google spreadsheet
    - check banking account online and make any changes needed to Google Spreadsheet
    - shower, shave, and get dressed for the work day.

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