Good Friday was "Work Friday", but it was good work. I did get some exercise in the morning, and then I watched Brooklyn and Brinley while Amber was getting her hair done downstairs. The weather, then, was just good enough to mow the lawn and then head to my mom and dad's to try to get the garden tilled up for her. That ended up being more difficult than intended because the throttle on the engine wasn't working properly. I'm not exactly a small engine expert, so my efforts weren't productive. We did get the garden turned over a little before giving up. Mom's going to call and see if we can get the tiller repaired or perhaps it's time to purchase something new. After the garden fiasco, I helped mom put a couple of patches on the chicken shed and then move the chickens over - nothing like crawling around in dirt and chicken crap trying to catch chickens...that's a good day's effort. I wrapped up the adventure by sitting down with the folks and enjoying a little Miller High Life. Of course we had to talk about President Trump and what an idiot he is, a topic that always comes up. Then in was home and a little supper and eventually some TV and bed. Somehow those dang research papers escaped me again.
Oh I forgot. I did try to go to Walmart to pick up an Easter card for Carmen and Cole, but Walmart parking lot was packed with cars. I don't think folks are taking this virus thing very serious in these parts, or perhaps Easter shopping just is a priority of getting infected or being infected. I contemplated going in, but then I though better of it. I stopped at Casey's in Reynolds instead and picked up a couple of gift cards and lottery tickets. I'll mail something out to them this weekend.
Things for today
Oh I forgot. I did try to go to Walmart to pick up an Easter card for Carmen and Cole, but Walmart parking lot was packed with cars. I don't think folks are taking this virus thing very serious in these parts, or perhaps Easter shopping just is a priority of getting infected or being infected. I contemplated going in, but then I though better of it. I stopped at Casey's in Reynolds instead and picked up a couple of gift cards and lottery tickets. I'll mail something out to them this weekend.
Things for today
- Possible
- Send Carmen and Cole Easter cards and gift certificates.
- I didn't send anything, yet but I picked something up.
- Scheduled
- Write recommendation letter for Kaitlyn Taylor (still waiting response from her)
- Other
- Enter Free Read Wednesday scores and update completion records.
- Illinois Stats
- February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.
- March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
- 75,066 tested; 15,078 positive; 462 deaths (+82)
- 20.0% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 3.0% of all positive cases recorded have died
- 80,857 tested; 16,422 positive; 528 deaths (+66)
- 20.3% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 3.2% of all positive cases recorded have died
- 87,527 tested; 17,887 positive; 596 deaths (+68)
- 20.4% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 3.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
- The numbers are going the wrong way.
- Tackle some "someday" topics on my Blogger list.
- Figure out if I'm going to get new stickers for the truck.
- Figure out how to get that oil tube piece in the HHR.
- Paint the shed.
- Continue scoring research papers.
- Finish course syllabus
Things For E-Learning
- Still can update EnvisonMe sites
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