
Friday, April 3, 2020

2020 - E-Learning - Day 4

2:48 p.m.  Today has been a productive day, and it's gone by fast.  Before 10 a.m., I got "morning stuff" done, including a walk with Lily and an attempt to do a kickboxing workout with Amber.  Then I completed the two Google Meet sessions with the English III students and started working on activities/assignments for next week's e-learning schedule.  And now, the "work day" is almost over.  I didn't get to any research papers, but that's okay, I'm still not that concerned that I will have trouble completing that task.  Maybe this weekend will feature more progress on that front.

6:28 p.m. - I went into Monster Sewing to pick up my umpiring and officiating pants.  I'm not kidding; I'm a little spooked being around people.  When I got back in my car, I used hand sanitizer.  When I got home, I washed my hands.  There was still a lot of traffic on the roads, but it's weird seeing some businesses completely dark and closed on a Friday night - Jumers, Ducky's...weird.

Things for today
  • Possible
    • get outside for a run/walk or maybe a bike ride.
    • try Jack's idea of spraying in carburetor with gas
    • Send Carmen and Cole Easter cards and gift certificates.
  • Scheduled
    • TODAY - 10 a.m. - Adv. English III MEET' 11:00 a.m. English III MEET - DONE
    • Write recommendation letters for Elizabeth Johnson - DONE
    • Write recommendation letter for Kaitlyn Taylor (still waiting response from her)
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (4/3)
  • Illinois Stats
    • February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.  It's just been over a month now since the first case.
    • March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases. 
      • 43,656 tested; 7,695 positive; 157 deaths
        • 17% of all tests recorded have tested positive
        • 2% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • TODAY
      • 48,048 tested; 8,904 positive; 210 deaths
        • 18% of all tests recorded have tested positive
        • 2.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
        • The numbers are going the wrong way.
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
  • Get the lawn tractor ready to go - sharpen the blades.
    • pick up my umpiring/officiating pants at Monster Sewing - was scheduled for this past Tuesday. - DONE!
    • Tackle some "someday" topics on my Blogger list.
    • Move the picnic table to the pool, move the snowblower to the corner of the garage, and move my bike to the area by the car.
    • Figure out if I'm going to get new stickers for the truck.
    • Figure out how to get that oil tube piece in the HHR.
    Things At/For School
    • Continue scoring research papers.
    • Post a morning video clip and schedule in Google Classroom for 10 a.m.
    • Schedule the first E-Learning assignment in Google Classroom for 9 a.m. March 31.
    • Finish course syllabus
    Things For E-Learning
    • Continue The Rest of the Story
    • Still could do short stories unit
    • Would need to get novels out to students to complete those units.
    • Still can update EnvisonMe sites
    • I could read a part of a story or a short story from my books on Google Meet

    Prior to 10:00 a.m.
    - wake-up, feed animals, make a cup of coffee, watch the morning news (usually around 6 a.m.)
    - stretch and exercise (varies) and clean kitty litter
    - weigh myself and enter weight in the Google spreadsheet
    - check banking account online and make any changes needed to Google Spreadsheet
    - shower, shave, and get dressed for the work day.

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