
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Wednesday, November 9

5:55 a.m. - The mid-terms are almost over; not all the races have been called.  It looks like Iowa remained pretty much Republican, and Illinois remained pretty much Democrat.  I guess after all that money spent on campaigns nothing much changed...go figure.  On the national level it appears that the "red wave" as some leading Republicans had predicted didn't really happen.  I haven't seen all the cable news commentary channels this morning, but I'm sure each side has its own spin.  It appears that former President Trump will be announcing another run, so it will be interesting if another Republican candidate surfaces.  

Yesterday afternoon I sprayed weeds.  I'm not sure it's going to work, but temperatures are supposed to be in the 70's today, so maybe the week killer will work.  I then got a call from my youngest son reporting that my oldest son needed assistance.  I tried to find him in Davenport, but I couldn't find him, and I'm not about to go knocking on doors in Davenport to try to locate him.  After that it was off to Mercer County with Shawn to do some officiating.  Another night of junior high girls basketball in the books.  Tonight...back at it in Oneida.

Today at school is Free Read Wednesday.  I think I could get used to having Tuesday off every week!

Things to do for school

  • PB - discuss/score questions over Chapter 15
  • need lesson plans for 11-10 for English III and Public Speaking
  • read, review, and enter Podcast Wednesday and FRW scores
  • Next EN101 check-in November 15
  • enter remaining Khan Academy scores - Syntax - Sentences and Clauses

Things to do

9 - at ROWVA JHGBK with Shawn 5:30 - Shawn drive
10 - at Williamsfield JHBBK with Shawn 6:00 - I drive
11 - at MonRose girls scrimmage- 5:30 - Shawn drive?
12 - SAT-- work for VanDeHeede at Jordan  8 a.m. - 6 games
13 - SUN
14 - at MerCo JH with Marcus -- 5:30 
15 - at Edison JH with Dave Sergeant -- 4 p.m.
16 - at Geneseo -- 6 p.m. VARTRNY -- with Braeden and Tad
17 - at Geneseo -- 6 p.m. VARTRNY -- with Braeden and Shawn
18 - at MonRose boys scrimmage -- 5:30 p.m. with Tucker and Ron Grant
19 - at AlWood girls VARTRNY -- 1:00 and 2:30 p.m. with Robbie and Tad
    - at Galesburg girls VARTRNY -- 6 p.m. with John Clark and Jay McDaniels
SUN -- Nov. 20
21 - at West Central girls FSV -- 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
22 - at Cuba boys VARTRNY -- 7:30 p.m. with Marcus and Eric Geiger 
23 - at Wethersfield boys VARTRNY -- 2 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
25 - at Wethersfield boys FSTRNY -- 9 a.m. 3 GAMES - with Shawn, Marcus, and Tucker
    - at Geneseo boys VARTRNY -- 3 p.m. OR 4:30 - with Shawn and Marcus
26 - at Rock Island girls VARTRNY -- 10 a.m. - with Marcus and Shawn
     - at Galesburg girls VARTRNY -- 4 p.m. - with Neesmith and Shawn
SUN -- November 27
28 - at United FSV girls -- 6 p.m. - with Marcus and Clint Gingerich
29 - at United FSV boys -- 6 p.m. - with Shawn and Marcus
30 - OPEN


1 - at Kewanee FSV girls -- 5:30 p.m. - with Marcus and Scott Verstraete
2 - at West Central FS boys -- 6 p.m. - with Marcus and Shawn
3 - at Muscatine VAR girls -- 4:15 p.m. - with Marcus and Shawn
SUN - December 4
5 - at ATown VAR girls -- 6 p.m. - with Marcus and Tad
6 - at Tipton VARDH girls and boys - 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
7 - at Kew. Visitation IESA Sectional girls - 6:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
8 - at Rockridge FSV girls -- 5:30 p.m. with Krahn and Long
9 - at West Branch VARDH girls and boys - 6 p.m. with Tucker and Shawn
10 - at United boys VARTRNY -- 1:30 p.m. 2 games with Marcus and Shawn
SUN - December 11
12 - at Kewanee FSV girls -- 5:30 p.m. with Tad and Amanda K.
13 - at Lone Tree VARDH girls and boys - 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
14 - at United boys VARTRNY -- 6 & 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
15 - at United boys VARTRNY -- 6 & 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
16 - at Dav. North boys VAR -- 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
17 - at Mendota girls FSV -- 1:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
    - at ATown Great Western Shootout girls -- 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
SUNDAY December 18
19 - at MonRose girls FSV -- 5:30 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
20 - at Dav. North girls VAR -- 6:00 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
21 - OPEN
22 - at Bureau Valley girls FSV -- 5:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
SUNDAY - 25 - Christmas
26 - at Bureau Valley girls FSTRNY -- 1:30 p.m. - with Shawn and Tucker?
27 - at PTOWN boys VARTRNY -- 10 a.m. - with Shawn and Marcus
28 - OPEN
29 - at Erie Annex girls VARTRNY -- noon - 2 games with Tucker and Shawn
30 - at Erie Annex girls VARTRNY -- 3 p.m. - with Tucker and Shawn
31 - Blocked NEW YEAR'S EVE
SUNDAY - New Yea

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