
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday, November 22

5:46 a.m. - Yesterday went as hoped...quiet, simple, productive, and completed.  I do think there should be a rule for basketball games.  If the attendance at the game is under 25% capacity, then fans shouldn't be allowed to speak.  Last night was a perfect example.  The gym was quiet because there weren't many fans, yet the few stupid people who are always in attendance were still there.  In a loud near-capacity gym, the comments of those stupid people are nearly as audible...yet, stupid people with their stupid comments can't help but be stupid.  They are going to yell their stupid comments regardless of the overall noise.  So in loud gyms, I'm just not as susceptible at being able to hear the stupid comments.  So there you go, less than 25% capacity means no talking - thank you stupid people for your participation.

Today let's just finish up the presentations in Public Speaking, and in English III, let's have a little journal write and share and be on our way to Thanksgiving break.  It's going to be a late night tonight with one game in Cuba, but it's only one game, which is the lightest game day of the week.  After tonight, the amount of games is no less than three for Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.  Oh, and I'd like to finish up scoring those Black Hawk assignments.

Things to do for school

  • Enter public speaking presentation scores
  • Enter journal sharing extra credit
  • Enter English III Black Hawk Scores
  • Enter English III Khan Usage Scores (Wednesday - 1 p.m.)
Things to do
  • Send message to Southeastern and West Central girls coaches
  • Pay mortgage payment to Blackhawk B&T

22 - at Cuba boys VARTRNY -- 7:30 p.m. with Marcus and Eric Geiger - Meet Marcus at WalMart at 5 p.m. - Marcus drives.
23 - at Wethersfield boys VARTRNY -- 2 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus and then 6 & 7:30 at Geneseo FS/V TRNY with Tad and Jason - JAY DRIVES SEPARATELY THIS DAY. Shawn and Marcus figure something out.
25 - at Wethersfield boys FSTRNY -- 9 a.m. 3 GAMES - with Shawn, Marcus, and maybe Tucker? - Meet at Shawn's at 7:30 a.m. and Shawn drives?
- at Geneseo boys VARTRNY -- 4:30 and 6 p.m. - with Shawn and Marcus
26 - at Rock Island girls VARTRNY -- 10 a.m. - with Marcus and Shawn - Marcus drives - Marcus picks up Shawn at 8:15 a.m. and then picks up Jay at 8:30 a.m.
- at Galesburg girls VARTRNY -- 4 p.m. - with Shawn and Tucker - Jay drives - Pick up Shawn at 2:30, and then pick up Tucker on the way to GHS.

SUN -- November 27
28 - at United FSV girls -- 6 p.m. - with Marcus and Clint Gingerich
29 - at United FSV boys -- 6 p.m. - with Shawn and Marcus
30 - OPEN


1 - at Kewanee FSV girls -- 5:30 p.m. - with Marcus and Scott Verstraete
2 - at West Central FS boys -- 6 p.m. - with Marcus and Shawn
3 - at Muscatine VAR girls -- 4:15 p.m. - with Marcus and Shawn
SUN - December 4
5 - at ATown VAR girls -- 6 p.m. - with Marcus and Tad
6 - at Tipton VARDH girls and boys - 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
7 - at Kew. Visitation IESA Sectional girls - 6:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
8 - at Rockridge FSV girls -- 5:30 p.m. with Krahn and Long
9 - at West Branch VARDH girls and boys - 6 p.m. with Tucker and Shawn
10 - at United boys and girls VARTRNY -- 1:30 p.m. 3 games with Marcus and Shawn
SUN - December 11
12 - at Kewanee FSV girls -- 5:30 p.m. with Tad and Amanda K.
13 - at Lone Tree VARDH girls and boys - 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
14 - at United boys VARTRNY -- 6 & 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
15 - at United boys VARTRNY -- 6 & 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
16 - at Dav. North boys VAR -- 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
17 - at Mendota girls FSV -- 1:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
    - at ATown Great Western Shootout girls -- 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
SUNDAY December 18
19 - at MonRose girls FSV -- 5:30 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn (Varsity followed by F/S)
20 - at Dav. North girls VAR -- 6:00 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
21 - OPEN
22 - at Bureau Valley girls FSV -- 5:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
SUNDAY - 25 - Christmas
26 - at Bureau Valley girls FSTRNY -- 1:30 p.m. - with Shawn and Tucker?
27 - at PTOWN boys VARTRNY -- 10 a.m. - with Shawn and Marcus
28 - OPEN
29 - at Erie Annex girls VARTRNY -- noon - 2 games with Tucker and Shawn
30 - at Erie Annex girls VARTRNY -- 3 p.m. - with Tucker and Shawn
31 - Blocked NEW YEAR'S EVE
SUNDAY - New Yea

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