6:14 a.m. - After a weird school day yesterday with the Veterans' Day Ceremony and the pep band state send off, we kicked off the high school basketball officiating schedule. We had a little scrimmage at MonRose, and then Shawn, Marcus, and I ate ribs at Papa's in Monmouth. Of course there was some sarcasm, some jabs at each other, some stories, some complaints, and some general solving of the world's problems. Oh, the ribs were good too, but I couldn't eat a full rack and instead brought some home to Amber.
I quietly went to bed last night knowing that the granddogs were staying with us. I didn't disturb them last night, but we were up early this morning. Sophie doesn't have a great deal of patience with Sailor, and Sailor is still a young lab pup with unlimited energy.
Today the weather continues to be cold, and today this morning I'll be officiating youth basketball....I honestly don't remember the last time I officiated youth basketball. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I hope I don't end up regretting this decision too much. From there I may go to the football game, but I may just listen to it in the warmth of home.
Next week, my schedule is CRAZY. I have over 12 different officiating partners; there are junior high girls games, junior high boys games, a high school boys scrimmage, the first official girls varsity games, and I'm all over the place - 12 games in six days - good for the wallet...not so good for the knee.
Things to do for school
- Next EN101 check-in November 15
- enter scores for Let The Wind Blow Through You
- Sunday - enter remaining Khan Academy scores - Syntax - Sentences and Clauses
Things to do
- pick up my prescription at Walgreen's
- finish the podcast
- Friday, November 18 - 9:30 a.m. - doctor (physical)
12 - SAT-- work for VanDeHeede at Jordan 8 a.m. - 6 games
13 - SUN
14 - at MerCo JH with Geoff -- 5:30
15 - at Edison JH with Dave Sergeant -- 4 p.m.
16 - at Geneseo -- 6 p.m. VARTRNY -- with Braeden and Tad
17 - at Geneseo -- 6 p.m. VARTRNY -- with Braeden and Shawn
18 - at MonRose boys scrimmage -- 5:30 p.m. with Tucker and Ron Grant
19 - at AlWood girls VARTRNY -- 1:00 and 2:30 p.m. with Robbie and Tad; 4 with Jim and Wilburt
- at Galesburg girls VARTRNY -- 6 p.m. with John Clark and Jay McDaniels
SUN -- Nov. 20
21 - at West Central girls FSV -- 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
22 - at Cuba boys VARTRNY -- 7:30 p.m. with Marcus and Eric Geiger
23 - at Wethersfield boys VARTRNY -- 2 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
25 - at Wethersfield boys FSTRNY -- 9 a.m. 3 GAMES - with Shawn, Marcus, and Tucker
- at Geneseo boys VARTRNY -- 3 p.m. OR 4:30 - with Shawn and Marcus
26 - at Rock Island girls VARTRNY -- 10 a.m. - with Marcus and Shawn
- at Galesburg girls VARTRNY -- 4 p.m. - with Neesmith and Shawn
SUN -- November 27
28 - at United FSV girls -- 6 p.m. - with Marcus and Clint Gingerich
29 - at United FSV boys -- 6 p.m. - with Shawn and Marcus
30 - OPEN
1 - at Kewanee FSV girls -- 5:30 p.m. - with Marcus and Scott Verstraete
2 - at West Central FS boys -- 6 p.m. - with Marcus and Shawn
3 - at Muscatine VAR girls -- 4:15 p.m. - with Marcus and Shawn
SUN - December 4
5 - at ATown VAR girls -- 6 p.m. - with Marcus and Tad
6 - at Tipton VARDH girls and boys - 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
7 - at Kew. Visitation IESA Sectional girls - 6:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
8 - at Rockridge FSV girls -- 5:30 p.m. with Krahn and Long
9 - at West Branch VARDH girls and boys - 6 p.m. with Tucker and Shawn
10 - at United boys and girls VARTRNY -- 1:30 p.m. 3 games with Marcus and Shawn
SUN - December 11
12 - at Kewanee FSV girls -- 5:30 p.m. with Tad and Amanda K.
13 - at Lone Tree VARDH girls and boys - 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
14 - at United boys VARTRNY -- 6 & 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
15 - at United boys VARTRNY -- 6 & 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
16 - at Dav. North boys VAR -- 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
17 - at Mendota girls FSV -- 1:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
- at ATown Great Western Shootout girls -- 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
SUNDAY December 18
19 - at MonRose girls FSV -- 5:30 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
20 - at Dav. North girls VAR -- 6:00 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
21 - OPEN
22 - at Bureau Valley girls FSV -- 5:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
SUNDAY - 25 - Christmas
26 - at Bureau Valley girls FSTRNY -- 1:30 p.m. - with Shawn and Tucker?
27 - at PTOWN boys VARTRNY -- 10 a.m. - with Shawn and Marcus
28 - OPEN
29 - at Erie Annex girls VARTRNY -- noon - 2 games with Tucker and Shawn
30 - at Erie Annex girls VARTRNY -- 3 p.m. - with Tucker and Shawn
31 - Blocked NEW YEAR'S EVE
SUNDAY - New Yea