7:49 a.m. - Whew! That was close; I forgot it was Thursday! I almost missed the garbage guy. I heard him go by, so I broke away from the computer, dashed through the house, and got the can down to the end of the driveway before he went by.
Yesterday was a wash out for most of the day - literally a wash out. It rained on and on all day after I got back from riding horses with mom at the farm. That was about 11 a.m. We had a nice ride, was able to go a little farther because the DeClercks had mowed some of their government ground. Newman did really well, and Peaches did fine too. Mom wants to ride again tomorrow, but I'm not sure I will be able to do that.
With the rain all day, I decided to do the unthinkable...go up to the school early and start preparing for the school year. I ended up getting my computer set up, getting contact groups completed, getting Google Classroom set-up, sending out an intro email to students, and I also completed my Public Works training.
After returning home from that, I was a lazy dog. I ended up watching Gator Boys, and that show was impressive. Unfortunately all of my dreams included alligators. Gator Boys is a bit like Duck Dynasty and Swamp People...it's obvious that some of the material is staged. On the other hand, diving into a lake or canal or pool and fishing out an alligator is impressive.
Today I need to get some exercise in, and then I might actually do some additional school work or perhaps read my book. It's so wet and humid outside that I don't think any outside work will get completed. This afternoon I'm going to drive down to Fort Madison and visit Tyler and Carmen. I think we may be going out to West Point to the Sweet Corn Festival. I may travel early and scope out camping sites at Wilson Lake Park. I hope to go there on Columbus Day Weekend.
Things for School
- update 22-23 exit responses
- update my website - family pics - Harrisons and Southwells
- make contacts groups - all done except study hall
- print copies of breakfast and lunch schedule
Things to do
- Springfield trip - Double J https://doublejcampground.com/ -$62.00 per day
- complete IHSA volleyball stuff - available 8-8
- test
- complete IGHSAU volleyball stuff
- test
- Saturday, August 12 - IHSA volleyball clinic - Joe Thompson - 8:30 a.m.
- request August 25 off at school for dentist appointment
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