
Friday, August 11, 2023

Friday, August 11

8:00 a.m. - Yesterday was nice.  I got in some exercise, and then I headed south to visit Carmen and Tyler.  On the way, I stopped at some places and learned a little bit about the area.  I met some interesting folks, had a Mini Wallyburger at a tiny diner called the Fort Diner, bought some cigars for Mr. Strachan at Faeth's store, and had a beverage at the The Lost Duck.  I even stopped at the Old Fort for a little history lesson.  Just before meeting up with Carmen and Tyler at their house, I scoped out the Wilson Lake Campground.  Carmen and Tyler took me to West Point for some pizza at Brad's Pad, and then we went to the Sweet Corn Festival.  It was nice to spend some time with them before heading back to school next week.

Today it's raining like crazy...we have the Harrison grandchildren all weekend...I'd like to get the yard mowed sometime, but that's about all I have to do.  I am attending a volleyball clinic tomorrow morning.

Things for School

  • update 22-23 exit responses
  • update my website - family pics - Harrisons and Southwells
  • make contacts groups - all done except study hall
  • print copies of breakfast and lunch schedule

Things to do

  • Pay VISA by 8/26 - $300
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • reserve site 7 at Wilson Lake for Columbus Day Weekend
  • complete IHSA volleyball stuff - available 8-8
    • test
  • complete IGHSAU volleyball stuff 
    • test
  • Saturday, August 12 - IHSA volleyball clinic - Joe Thompson - 8:30 a.m.
  • request August 25 off at school for dentist appointment
11-12-13 - BLOCKED - Watch Harrison kids
14 - back to school institute
       RHS backpack night
15 - back to school institute
       JH softball at MerCo - 4:30 p.m.
16 - back to school - students start
17 - OPEN
18 - BLOCKED - camping?
19 - BLOCKED - camping?
21 - HSVB at Rockridge - 5 p.m?
22 - JH softbal at MerCo - 4:30
23 - OPEN
24 - HSVB at Wethersfield - 5 p.m.?
25 - BLOCKED - Dentist Appt. 8 a.m. - camping?
26 - BLOCKED - camping?
28 - OPEN
29 - HSVB at MonRose - 5 p.m.?
30 - BLOCKED OPEN - Set Camper up at Loud Thunder - Deer Have Site 31
31 - HSVB at Erie - 5 p.m.?

1 - Amber elbow surgery - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
2 - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
3 - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
4 - Labor Day - Return from Loud Thunder

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