
Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday, August 18

6:08 a.m. -  This week has been a long one.  Students received chromebooks yesterday, so now we can get up and running a bit.  I typically have "housekeeping" items for awhile at the beginning of the school year before any "work" really gets going.  Yesterday after school I basically did nothing.  I avoided the yard again even though it needs mowed.  I even got a grumble from Amber, but by waiting maybe I can avoid having to mow the yard next week when my officiating and umpiring schedule gets busier.  Let's just get through today and get to a couple of days off! 

Things for School

  • 2nd period needs 8-18 lesson
  • start Khan Academy reviews
  • post profile form assignment in Google Classroom
  • post assignment Ask Mr. Bizarri a question
  • enter extra credit categories in gradebook
  • get students in sync with College Board/Khan Academy - Bohnsack
  • finalize seating charts - after Friday
  • make sub folder
    • print out rosters with pronunciations
  • watch active shooter video
  • post scheduled lesson plan for 8/21

Things to do

  • pay beginning of month bills
  • purchase more umpiring tights...two pair?
  • write and mail out middle of month bills
  • Aug 25 - dentist appointment
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • complete dreams survey
  • reserve site 7 at Wilson Lake for Columbus Day Weekend
21 - HSVB at Rockridge - 5 p.m?
22 - JH softbal at MerCo - 4:30
23 - OPEN
24 - HSVB at Wethersfield - 5 p.m.?
25 - BLOCKED - Dentist Appt. 8 a.m. - camping?
26 - BLOCKED - camping?
28 - HSFRVB at Bettendorf - 6 p.m.
29 - HSVB at MonRose - 5 p.m.?
30 - BLOCKED OPEN - Set Camper up at Loud Thunder - Deer Have Site 31
31 - HSVB at Erie - 5 p.m.?

1 - Amber elbow surgery - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
2 - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
3 - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
4 - Labor Day - Return from Loud Thunder

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