
Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday, August 13

7:18 a.m. - Yesterday was attendance at volleyball clinic in Galesburg and then be grandparent.  The clinic was just too long; I was about ready to go out of my mind.  I don't mind going and getting on the court and just reminding myself of signals and mechanics.  Spending 3 hours in a classroom going over stuff that exists in other stuff I have to do like videos and a test...that's what gets me cranked up.  At least it's over.  Now I have to complete the tests - one for Illinois and one for Iowa.  Amidst the afternoon and evening with all the grandchildren except one, I did get to watch some of the Bears preseason game.  It was a least nice to watch a little football.  The grandchildren did swim, but I did not.  I just wasn't in the mood.

This morning we are supposed to go on a boat ride and fishing expedition...with five grandchildren under five years of age.  I think we are going to need a big boat.  Today, I do need to get some work done.  I need to get the pool cleaned and the yard mowed.

Things for School

  • update 22-23 exit responses
  • update my website - family pics - Harrisons and Southwells
  • make contacts groups - all done except study hall
  • print copies of breakfast and lunch schedule

Things to do

  • Pay VISA by 8/26 - $300
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • reserve site 7 at Wilson Lake for Columbus Day Weekend
  • complete IHSA volleyball stuff - available 8-8
    • test
  • complete IGHSAU volleyball stuff 
    • test
  • Saturday, August 12 - IHSA volleyball clinic - Joe Thompson - 8:30 a.m.
  • request August 25 off at school for dentist appointment
14 - back to school institute
       RHS backpack night
15 - back to school institute
       JH softball at MerCo - 4:30 p.m.
16 - back to school - students start
17 - OPEN
18 - BLOCKED - camping?
19 - BLOCKED - camping?
21 - HSVB at Rockridge - 5 p.m?
22 - JH softbal at MerCo - 4:30
23 - OPEN
24 - HSVB at Wethersfield - 5 p.m.?
25 - BLOCKED - Dentist Appt. 8 a.m. - camping?
26 - BLOCKED - camping?
28 - OPEN
29 - HSVB at MonRose - 5 p.m.?
30 - BLOCKED OPEN - Set Camper up at Loud Thunder - Deer Have Site 31
31 - HSVB at Erie - 5 p.m.?

1 - Amber elbow surgery - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
2 - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
3 - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
4 - Labor Day - Return from Loud Thunder

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