
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday, August 19

7:28 a.m. - I got a lot done yesterday at school; unfortunately, that was mostly at my desk, so I didn't get much exercise.  I'm really going to have to refocus and reenergize my efforts to drop some weight.  I think today is going to be a fasting day.

The heat is the temp is supposed to reach 90 degrees, and this will be the coolest day all of next week.  Rockridge Schools have already called an early dismissal for all five days next week.  Schools are going to be released at 1:30 p.m.  The only problem I'm going to have with that is getting a writing sample from students, but I think it's still doable.  I don't think I've ever seen a forecast with those kinds of temps all week long in August.

I guess I did get a little exercise yesterday when I mowed the lawn.  Obviously there isn't much exercise on the riding mower, but we have some push mowing that has to be done where I can't get the rider, plus, I usually have some trim around the edges to get with the push mower.   

Things for School

  • get students in sync with College Board/Khan Academy - Bohnsack
  • finalize seating charts - after Friday
  • make sub folder
    • print out rosters with pronunciations

Things to do

  • pay beginning of month bills for September 1
  • purchase more umpiring tights...two pair?
  • Aug 25 - dentist appointment
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • complete dreams survey
  • reserve site 7 at Wilson Lake for Columbus Day Weekend
21 - HSVB at Rockridge - 5 p.m?
22 - JH softbal at MerCo - 4:30
23 - OPEN
24 - HSVB at Wethersfield - 5 p.m.?
25 - BLOCKED - Dentist Appt. 8 a.m. - camping?
26 - BLOCKED - camping?
28 - HSFRVB at Bettendorf - 6 p.m.
29 - HSVB at MonRose - 5 p.m.?
30 - BLOCKED OPEN - Set Camper up at Loud Thunder - Deer Have Site 31
31 - HSVB at Erie - 5 p.m.?

1 - Amber elbow surgery - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
2 - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
3 - BLOCKED Camping at Loud Thunder
4 - Labor Day - Return from Loud Thunder

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