
Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday, August 6

8:03 a.m. - To Mexico and back!  We arrived home last night around 11 p.m. after leaving our hotel at 9:45 a.m.  The entire experience was interesting and fulfilling.  The highlights were flying out of the country and back, experiencing an all-inclusive resort vacation stay, seeing a part of Cancun, Mexico, visiting the Mayan ruins of Tulum, swimming in the ocean, attending a destination wedding service, exploring a variety of new foods and drinks, and most importantly connecting with the 53 other people that attended.  But now it's back to real life...I have some computer work to complete today, and I'd like to mow the yard before the big rains and storms arrive later today.   

Things to do

  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • pay Brandon for dirt work
  • call Joe Thompson
  • complete IHSA volleyball stuff
  • complete IGHSAU volleyball stuff 
  • Saturday, August 12 - IHSA volleyball clinic - Joe Thompson - 8:30 a.m.
  • Enter softball, basketball, volleyball dates for August on the to-do list
  • mow the yard
  • visit mom and dad
  • finalize interest in Beardstown
  • get the HHR from Slaydens
  • reload umpiring gear into the HHR
  • complete public works training
  • request August 25 off at school
  • update newly assigned basketball games
  • take hot tub to Jack and Rhonda
  • order new goggles
7 - JH softball at Cambridge - 4:30 p.m.
11-12-13 - BLOCKED - Watch Harrison kids
14 - back to school institute
       RHS backpack night
15 - back to school institute
       JH softball at MerCo - 4:30 p.m.
16 - back to school - students start
17 - OPEN
18 - BLOCKED - camping?
19 - BLOCKED - camping?
21 - HSVB at Rockridge - 5 p.m?
22 - JH softbal at MerCo - 4:30
23 - OPEN
24 - HSVB at Wethersfield - 5 p.m.?
25 - BLOCKED - Dentist Appt. 8 a.m. - camping?
26 - BLOCKED - camping?
28 - OPEN
29 - HSVB at MonRose - 5 p.m.?
30 - OPEN
31 - HSVB at Erie - 5 p.m.?

1 - Amber elbow surgery
4 - Labor Day

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