6:00 a.m. - I'm on a heightened irritability level today. At the end of the school day yesterday, it was announced that the Student Council and Administration approved a "March Madness Week" next week - complete with dress up days and a Wednesday activity day. This week is designed to help us "push through" until Spring Break. What the hell? NNNNNNOOOOO...I don't want madness...I don't want silliness...I just want a freaking calm school where students, teachers, staff, and administrators are doing their jobs....isn't that enough?
In better news, Chase visited last night. He was pretty quiet, and any information I got from him was a result of questions I asked him. I hope he's okay. We watched a movie, and then I watched some basketball.
Tomorrow we don't have school because the boys basketball team participating in the state finals. Not everyone is excited about this because the district is going to be working to make this day up somewhere in the calendar before the end of the school year. My guess is that there will be some that don't want to add a day at the end of the calendar, and there will be some that don't want to add it anywhere else - Easter, Spring Break, etc... So some folks are going to be satisfied, and some folks are going to be disappointed.
Along with that, there is uncertainty about Friday. According to our building administrator, there is not yet a plan for Friday. I'm a little perplexed by that because there seems to be only two possibilities - either the boys team wins tomorrow afternoon and plays Saturday afternoon, or the team loses tomorrow and plays at 8:45 p.m. tomorrow night. So why not have a plan for either result? Do we not want to jinx the boys team in considering a plan for Friday that might involve them losing?
In other great news, the flooring in the house needs ripped up so a new floor can be installed. That's going to be fun.
And that RTA meeting that was supposed to occur today after school...I'm not sure it's going to happen because it appears that all the folks that need to attend will not be able to attend.
English III
- create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
- score Khan Academy SAT prep practice efforts...
Other Things To Do
- complete Iowa SB rules meeting
- Mar. 9 -- RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
- Mar. 14 -SB (2 games) at Merco 4:30 with Jason
- Mar. 15 - SB (1 JV game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Pete
- Mar. 16 - SB (1 varsity) at Moline 4:30 with Jason
- Mar. 17 - blocked - moving furniture
- Mar. 18 - SB at United 4:30 with Jason
- Sunday, March 20
- Mar. 21 - open
- Mar. 22 - SB (2 games) at Cambridge 4:30 with Jason
- Mar. 23 -- SB (1 V game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Doug
- RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
- Mar. 26 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville noon with Leah
- Sunday, March 27
- March 28-Apr 1 - SPRING BREAK
- Sunday, April 3
- Apr. 4 -- SB (2 games) at Merco 4:30 with Cahill
- Apr. 5 -- SB (2 games) at Orion 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 6 -- OPEN
- Apr. 7 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with ???
- Apr. 8 -- OPEN
- Apr. 9 -- OPEN
- Sunday, April 10
- Apr. 11 -- at UTHS (JV) 4:30
- Apr. 12 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 13 -- OPEN
- Apr. 14 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Apr. 15 -- BLOCKED OPEN - Good Friday no school
- Apr. 16 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, April 17 Easter Sunday
- Apr. 18 -- BLOCKED OPEN no school
- Apr. 19 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Ron Grant
- Apr. 20 -- SB (2 games) at Sherrard 4:30 with Lennie
- Apr. 21 -- SB (2 games) at United 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 22 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Apr. 23 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, April 24
- Apr. 25 -- SB (1 V game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Ryan VanDeWoestyne
- Apr. 26 -- SB (2 games) at AlWood 4:30 with Chet
- Apr. 27 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Lennie
- Apr. 28 -- SB (2 games) at United 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 29 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Apr. 30 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, May 1
- May 2 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Doug
- May 3 -- SB (2 games) at AlWood 4:30 with Jason
- May 4 -- SB (2 games) at Orion 4:30 with David Olinger
- May 5 -- SB (2 games) at Rock Island 4:30 with Vandervinne
- Sunday, May 8
- May 9 -- SB (1 V game) at Galesburg 4:30 with Jason
- May 10 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Dan Burgland
- May 11 -- OPEN
- May 12 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Chris Johnson
- May 13 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- May 14 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, May 15
- May 16-21 - IHSA softball regionals
- May 16 - OPEN
- May 17 -- SB SB (1 V game) at Geneseo 4:30 with Lloyd
- May 18 -- at Geneseo (JV)
- May 19 -- OPEN
- May 20 -- OPEN
- May 21 -- OPEN
- Sunday, May 22
- May 23-27 - IHSA softball sectionals
- May 23 -- SB at DeWitt 5:00 & 6:30 with Lennie
- May 24 -- SB at Moline 4:30 with Tim Alonzo
- Sunday, May 29
- May 30 - 1A/2A supersectional
- June 3-4 - 1A/2A softball state tournament
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