6:10 a.m. - This morning, I'm feeling the best health I have felt all week, so that's good. Yesterday was a challenge to survive, but I attempted to make the most of it. In the morning, it was "activity day"...a time for students to play. Fortunately, I found a role of supervision that allowed me to grade papers, so at least I got something done. Then in the afternoon, we received professional development to better work with "bad behavior". It's true that some students exhibit bad behavior because there is an underlying problem, and it's true that we adults need to view those situations as mature adults and avoid escalating or worsening the problem. Here's the deal...those situations of bad behavior are only about 10-20% of the issues that arise in high school students. The vast majority of bad behavior in high school students is just being an ass. The vast majority of students at the high school level know what the difference between good behavior and bad behavior and just choose bad behavior because they are arrogant or have been programmed from someone else to believe they don't have to follow rules, procedures, or expectations they don't like or agree with. So once again, we teachers received professional development that focuses on teachers avoiding doing something wrong and instead doing something right. And that's okay because teachers need professional development to help strengthen skills in professionalism and instruction and planning. Once again, though, we had a half day of school improvement that involved no discussion or analysis of how our students are performing academically. We had no discussion or analysis of how we need to improve academic success in our building. That sort of thing just doesn't happen in our building anymore.
After school, I had a softball game - first one of the season. Of course it was a long game that ended in a score of 16-5. I guess I got in a few extra reps. I did come home to a nice supper and watched Notre Dame win in double overtime, so that was nice.
Today another presenter is going to be visiting. Then after school, it's back to the flooring project. A dumpster is supposed to arrive today, so the first part of today's work is to fill the dumpster with all the materials we've been throwing out on the front porch. Yes, my wife has been very happy about that. The next step will be to get the linoleum out of the bathroom and from under the washer and dryer. At the same time, the guy who is laying the new floor is supposed to be starting in the kitchen. So by tomorrow this time, a lot of progress is hopefully going to be made.
English III
- create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
- score Midwest Technical Institute
- score MCC
Other Things To Do
- email to Moline and Sherrard
Mar. 17 - blocked - working on flooring.
Mar. 18 - SB at United 4:30 with Jason
Sunday, March 20
Mar. 21 - open
Mar. 22 - SB (2 games) at Cambridge 4:30 with Jason
Mar. 23 -- no softball - RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
Mar. 26 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville noon with Leah
Sunday, March 27
March 28-Apr 1 - SPRING BREAK
Sunday, April 3
Apr. 4 -- SB (2 games) at Merco 4:30 with Cahill
Apr. 5 -- SB (2 games) at Orion 4:30 with Jason
Apr. 6 -- OPEN
Apr. 7 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with ???
Apr. 8 -- OPEN
Apr. 9 -- OPEN
Sunday, April 10
Apr. 11 -- at UTHS (JV) 4:30
Apr. 12 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Jason
Apr. 13 -- OPEN
Apr. 15 -- BLOCKED OPEN - Good Friday no school
Sunday, April 17 Easter Sunday
Apr. 18 -- BLOCKED OPEN no school
Apr. 19 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Ron Grant
Apr. 20 -- SB (2 games) at Sherrard 4:30 with Lennie
Apr. 21 -- SB (2 games) at United 4:30 with Jason
Sunday, April 24
Apr. 25 -- SB (1 V game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Ryan VanDeWoestyne
Apr. 26 -- SB (2 games) at AlWood 4:30 with Chet
Apr. 27 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Lennie
Apr. 28 -- SB (2 games) at United 4:30 with Jason
Sunday, May 1
May 2 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Doug
May 3 -- SB (2 games) at AlWood 4:30 with Jason
May 4 -- SB (2 games) at Orion 4:30 with David Olinger
May 5 -- SB (2 games) at Rock Island 4:30 with Vandervinne
Sunday, May 8
May 9 -- SB (1 V game) at Galesburg 4:30 with Jason
May 10 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Dan Burgland
May 11 -- OPEN
May 12 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Chris Johnson
Sunday, May 15
May 16-21 - IHSA softball regionals
May 16 - OPEN
May 17 -- SB SB (1 V game) at Geneseo 4:30 with Lloyd
May 18 -- at Geneseo (JV)
May 19 -- OPEN
May 20 -- OPEN
May 21 -- OPEN
Sunday, May 22
May 23-27 - IHSA softball sectionals
May 23 -- SB at DeWitt 5:00 & 6:30 with Lennie
May 24 -- open
May 25 -- SB at Davenport West 5 p.m.
Sunday, May 29
May 30 - 1A/2A supersectional
June 1 - 10 a.m. at Muscatine
June 3-4 - 1A/2A softball state tournament
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