9:59 a.m. - Daylight savings is back? or is it gone? Either way, we lost an hour of sleep but there will be more daylight at the end of the day. My softball game for tomorrow has already been canceled, so now I don't start until Tuesday, and it's a JV game, so that's good.
Yesterday was watching TV and watching over the grandchildren. Today some of the same and then the big project of getting ready for Amber's new floor project on the top level of the house. I'm hoping I can get Chase over here to help me move furniture.
English III
- create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
- need to score and enter NAVY worksheets - 7th period
Other Things To Do
- hear back from Shawn and Bryan and reserve spot(s) at Loud Thunder
- Mar. 14 - open
- Mar. 15 - SB (1 JV game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Pete
- Mar. 16 - SB (1 varsity) at Moline 4:30 with Jason
- Mar. 17 - blocked - moving furniture
- Mar. 18 - SB at United 4:30 with Jason
- Sunday, March 20
- Mar. 21 - open
- Mar. 22 - SB (2 games) at Cambridge 4:30 with Jason
- Mar. 23 -- SB (1 V game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Doug - REMOVED
- RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
- Mar. 26 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville noon with Leah
- Sunday, March 27
- March 28-Apr 1 - SPRING BREAK
- Sunday, April 3
- Apr. 4 -- SB (2 games) at Merco 4:30 with Cahill
- Apr. 5 -- SB (2 games) at Orion 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 6 -- OPEN
- Apr. 7 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with ???
- Apr. 8 -- OPEN
- Apr. 9 -- OPEN
- Sunday, April 10
- Apr. 11 -- at UTHS (JV) 4:30
- Apr. 12 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 13 -- OPEN
- Apr. 14 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Apr. 15 -- BLOCKED OPEN - Good Friday no school
- Apr. 16 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, April 17 Easter Sunday
- Apr. 18 -- BLOCKED OPEN no school
- Apr. 19 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Ron Grant
- Apr. 20 -- SB (2 games) at Sherrard 4:30 with Lennie
- Apr. 21 -- SB (2 games) at United 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 22 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Apr. 23 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, April 24
- Apr. 25 -- SB (1 V game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Ryan VanDeWoestyne
- Apr. 26 -- SB (2 games) at AlWood 4:30 with Chet
- Apr. 27 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Lennie
- Apr. 28 -- SB (2 games) at United 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 29 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Apr. 30 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, May 1
- May 2 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Doug
- May 3 -- SB (2 games) at AlWood 4:30 with Jason
- May 4 -- SB (2 games) at Orion 4:30 with David Olinger
- May 5 -- SB (2 games) at Rock Island 4:30 with Vandervinne
- Sunday, May 8
- May 9 -- SB (1 V game) at Galesburg 4:30 with Jason
- May 10 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Dan Burgland
- May 11 -- OPEN
- May 12 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Chris Johnson
- May 13 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- May 14 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, May 15
- May 16-21 - IHSA softball regionals
- May 16 - OPEN
- May 17 -- SB SB (1 V game) at Geneseo 4:30 with Lloyd
- May 18 -- at Geneseo (JV)
- May 19 -- OPEN
- May 20 -- OPEN
- May 21 -- OPEN
- Sunday, May 22
- May 23-27 - IHSA softball sectionals
- May 23 -- SB at DeWitt 5:00 & 6:30 with Lennie
- May 24 -- open
- May 25 -- SB at Davenport West 5 p.m.
- Sunday, May 29
- May 30 - 1A/2A supersectional
- June 1 - 10 a.m. at Muscatine
- June 3-4 - 1A/2A softball state tournament
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