6:09 a.m. - This was my Facebook post I entered late last night...
I’d like to tell you about an old friend of mine - Newman, who was a horse that came to my parents’ farm when I was living with my parents during my separation and divorce from my first marriage - one of the darkest, depressing, dismal periods of my life. Newman graciously accepted me and the new farm then and would have a wonderful home with Horse Grandma Cathy Bizarri, but he died today because of developing colic that he couldn’t recover from. A special thanks to veterinarian Dana Milller in helping ease Newman’s pain, as well as Scott Jahns for helping bury Newman on a windy, January day. Newman was a goofball with a kind heart and gentle disposition with people young and old. He was missing a front tooth after one day getting his teeth stuck on a steel corral post. He was okay going into a trailer, but backing out was really scary. He didn’t mind being ridden and going out on adventures and being first was fun until it was frightening. He ALWAYS had to pause entering his stall at night to stop at the rope and stare down the hallway before turning right and getting into his stall. He really didn’t like to be pampered, but he tolerated getting his feet worked on. And cookies and treats were always welcomed. In recent years, he and I didn’t spend much time together, but he had good horse friends and Grandma Cathy to care for him, which is something I and he I’m sure are eternally grateful for. Friends come in all shapes and sizes and colors and don’t even have to be human. Thank you Newman for being such an important part of my life at one of the darkest times - you, my old friend, will be missed and always remembered.
So as you can see, yesterday wasn't the happiest of days I've ever experienced. The school day went okay, though, and I managed to get through trying to keep up with Quincy and Galesburg - mostly because Quincy had a dunk fest, and the game was over pretty much by half way through the first period. Also, I picked up the tire to the HHR, and I got it put on, so I could drive it to Galesburg rather than the truck. Yesterday was 100 day at school; I forgot to mention that. Many of the students and staff dressed up like old people. I had my ice pack on my knee and was using my cane, so most folks thought I was dressing up...little did they know that the ice pack and cane were helping me feel better. They were acting old; I didn't have to act! :)
So it's a Wednesday now, and Happy Anniversary to my parents - at least I'm pretty sure it's today. I sent them a Happy Anniversary Facebook message...just not sure if it's Happy Anniversary or Happy Belated Anniversary.
Let's get through today.
Things for School
- Friday, Jan. 31 - 6:45 a.m. pick up donuts at Dunkin Donuts WITH CREDIT CARD
- bring back receipt
- purchase juice boxes somewhere
- absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month
- pay beginning of the month bills
- check mouse traps
- enter mileage for umpiring/officiating
- Enter game/teams into IHSA "my schedule" each day/week.
- April 16 - knee replacement surgery - Illini Hospital
- July 13-18 - Summer Camping Trip to Mackinac Island
- Brown County Deforestation Campground July 13 and July 17
- St. Ignace KOA July 14, 15, 16
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bMhp3emCnE4xeo_hUm5rLgsktf-NVWxu3sS0bwNg0uw/edit?tab=t.0
29 - @ ROWVA girls vs. West Central - 6 p.m. - Tony and Dave Hasley
Jay drives; Jay picks up Tony at Tony’s office at 4:15 p.m.
30 - @ Riverdale girls vs. Sherrard - 5:30 p.m. - Marcus and Tony
Tony picks up Marcus and Jay at Jay’s house at 3:45 p.m.; Tony drives
31 - @ Kewanee boys vs. Princeton - 7 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
Shawn drives; pick up Marcus at 5 p.m. at Walmart.
1 - @ West Central girls vs. Brimfield - 1 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
Jay drives; pick up Shawn at 11; pick up Marcus at his house at 11:15 ish
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