5:16 a.m. - It's Thursday, and it's garbage day. I should be happy that it's Thursday, but yesterday was a long day. It's always tough getting back to school after a longer weekend, but yesterday was extra difficult. And beyond all that, I started the day with a letter fromthe State of Illinois cancelling my bus driver's license....sheesh. (Later I found out they didn't have my fingerprints from the school, so hopefully that will get corrected soon.) Fortunately, it was only yesterday was only 24 hours, and we are now back to today!
I have an administrative meeting today. Those aren't fun. I need to get a tire down to Slayden's. That's not fun. Just keep swimming.
Things for School
- absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month
- check mouse traps
- enter mileage for umpiring/officiating
- Enter game/teams into IHSA "my schedule" each day/week.
- April 16 - knee replacement surgery - Illini Hospital
- July 13-18 - Summer Camping Trip to Mackinac Island
- Brown County Deforestation Campground July 13 and July 17
- St. Ignace KOA July 14, 15, 16
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bMhp3emCnE4xeo_hUm5rLgsktf-NVWxu3sS0bwNg0uw/edit?tab=t.0
January travel plans
23 - @ United girls vs. Annawan 6 p.m. - Kraig and Tony
Kraig drives. Jay is at Kraig’s house at 4:15 then pick up Tony at 4:30 ish
24 - @ Kewanee boys vs. E-P 7 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
Shawn drives; Jay and Shawn leave Shawn’s at 5 p.m.; pick up Marcus at Walmart
25 - @ Galesburg girls vs. Morton 1:30 p.m. - Marcus and Dave Hasley
Jay meets Marcus at Marcus’s house at 11:45; Marcus drives
23 - @ United girls vs. Annawan 6 p.m. - Kraig and Tony
24 - @ Kewanee boys vs. E-P 7 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
25 - @ Galesburg girls vs. Morton 1:30 p.m. - Marcus and Dave Hasley
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