5:37 a.m. - When basketball teams have trouble scoring, games are really ugly. That's just a fact of life, like the fact that the sun is going to come up in the morning and set in the evening. And I don't care who the officials are, they can't help the ugliness of basketball that features one or both teams that have difficulty scoring. And among the reasons that exist of why teams have difficulty scoring, two main reasons exist - a lack of adequate instruction and/or a lack of quality practice by players in the off-season. Either the players haven't been taught properly and/or the the players haven't practiced enough individually to be skilled. So when I'm about to take the ball out of bounds for the fourth quarter, with my back to the Orion fans and two fans feel the need to tell me how terrible the officiating is and that someone is going to get hurt and what game are you watching, I physically hear them - I physically hear the sounds that are supposed to have an impact on me. The sounds, though, don't have what I can only guess is supposed to be the impact - that I'm supposed to realize that I'm a bad official doing a bad job. Perhaps, I'm supposed to then understand my deficiencies and seek out training and some professional development to improve my abilities as an official. Unfortunately, that message doesn't get through. The message that gets through is this - "I'm just a dumb fan that doesn't realize and/or accept that the team I'm watching lacks the training and practice it needs to be skilled enough to avoid the difficulty that comes with being a poor offensive team." So if that's you...if that's why you chose that seat two rows up at center court because you feel like the admission ticket you purchased entitles you to critique the officiating and then verbally address the official, save your breath. I've been instructed by my training to ignore you. Instead, go tell the administrator in charge that this crew of officials isn't good enough to work your team's games. Or go tell the administrator that the coaches aren't training the team well enough. Or better yet, go apologize to the coach that your team's players haven't spent enough time and effort in the off-season becoming skilled enough to be a good offensive team. On the other hand, if you must, if you feel compelled to address the official that is three feet away from you to express your disapproval, so you can somehow feel justified that it's someone else's fault that your team is struggling, then so be it. I'll see you later in the season and do my best to help manage a game that just isn't going to be pretty that night either.
Today is going to be a long day, but I needed to just get those thoughts down.
Things for School
- score Khan for the week
- post Khan for next week
- post lesson plan for Monday, Dec. 11
- send email to students explaining semester exam information
- Morgan Hofer's essay
- self-evaluate journals
- score formal essay #2
- score smoke signals packets
- establish last date for make-up work
- get semester exam ready
Things to do
- send message to Orion and Riverdale
- get a bus pass for Chase
- open 9:30-5 Monday through Saturday
- Davenport City Hall, located at 226 W 4th St.
- Using a 7-Day or 30-Day Pass. The 7-Day Pass is $6, and the 30-Day Pass is $22. Can multiple passes be purchased and dated to start in the future?
- receive arbiter payment from Washington JH
- appointment info for Digestive Disease Specialists - 309-601-2800 Stacey 309-601-2901
- appointment info submitted 12/5/23
- December 20 - Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Root Beer to school for staff potluck
8 - GBK at A-Town - 6:00 p.m. vs. Hardin Calhoun with Shawn and Tony
BBK - at A-Town - 7:30 p.m. vs. Farmington with Shawn and Tony
Jay drives - leave from Shawn’s house at 4:15 after bus route, pick Tony up at his office at 4:30
9 - GBK - at A-Town - 4:30 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
BBK - at United - United vs. Knoxville -- 7:30 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
Marcus drives from Marcus’s house at 2:45 p.m.. Jay picks up Shawn at Shawn’s at 2:15 p.m.11 - BBK - at United (OLD GYM) - United vs. BPC - 7:30 p.m. with Tony and Brett Stevens
Tony drives - leave from Tony’s house at 6:00 p.m.
12 - BBK - at MerCo - 5:30 p.m. vs. Macomb with Shawn and David VanNest
Shawn drives - leave from Shawn’s house at 4:15 p.m.
13 - GBK - at ROWVA - 6:00 p.m. vs. West Prairie with Marcus and Tony
Jay drives - Pick Tony and Marcus at 4:30 at Tony’s office
14 - GBK - at United (2) OLD GYM - 6:00 p.m. - TBA ..with Marcus and Shawn
4th pool B; 3rd pool A
Marcus drives - Jay picks Shawn up at 4:15; Marcus drives from Marcus’s house at 4:30
15 - BBK - at United (OLD GYM) - 7:30 p.m. - TBA ..with Marcus and Shawn - TONY IS AT UNITED TOO (NEW GYM)
OLD GYM - Shawn, Jay, Marcus - BPC vs. Knoxville
NEW GYM - Tony (Todd Hannam, Brett Stevens) - United vs. West Prairie
Shawn drives - leave Shawn’s at 5:45 p.m.; pick up Tony at 6 p.m; pick up Marcus at 6:05
*If anyone wants to visit the hospitality room before the game, we could leave earlier.
*Food and beverage director - if possible, construct plans for the "Crew of 4" postgame debriefing.
16 - BBK - at A-Town - 10:30 a.m. - MonRose vs. Southeastern with Marcus and Shawn
at ROWVA - 3:00 p.m. vs. Annawan with Marcus and Shawn
Jay drives - pick up Shawn at 8:45 a.m.; pick up Marcus at WalMart at 9:00 a.m.
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