6:37 a.m. - Yesterday's softball games went well...great weather, great facility, games went quick - off the field by 7:30 p.m. That was a great start to the horrific June softball schedule I have coming up. Today is the official last day of school...every school year in my career so far has eventually ended. In some ways, this school year was the longest; in other ways this school year went by quickly. It's weird how that works out. I'm ready for today...the weather right now is nice, so maybe I'll ride my bike before going to school. I need to take my truck down to Trent to get him the truck info to apparently order new odometer gauge for the GMC. Apparently it's a fairly easy fix, but it's not cheap. Today's softball games feature the start of the IHSA postseason. I've never umpired in Kewanee, so that's always interesting to go someplace new.
Daily Things I Need to Accomplish
- edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
- create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
- respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
- Wed., 6/2 - at IHSA Regionals at Kewanee 4:30 with Jason
- I've got plate...leave at 2:15 p.m.
- Get couches to Carmen in Burlington
- GMC info to Trent - mileage, vin#, license plate number
- get I-Pass account set up for vacation
- fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
- Call Gannon Pool at estimate to replace Merlin pool cover 309-788-7727
- Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
- talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
- contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck
- Thurs., 6/3 - at IHSA Regionals at Kewanee 4:30 with Jason
- Fri., 6/4 - at IHSA Regionals TBA
- Sat., 6/5 - at IHSA Regionals TBA
- Sun., 6/6 - BLOCKED OPEN
- Mon., 6/7 - DH at Burlington 5:30 with Jason
- Tues., 6/8 - DH JV at Muscatine 10 a.m. with Jason
- may be IHSA Sectionals
- Wed., 6/9 - BLOCKED OPEN - may be IHSA Sectionals with Jason and Doug
- Thurs., 6/10 - BLOCKED OPEN - may be IHSA Sectionals with Jason and Doug
- Fri., 6/11 - BLOCKED OPEN - may be IHSA Sectionals with Jason and Doug
- Sat., 6/12 - BLOCKED OPEN - may be IHSA Sectionals with Jason and Doug
- Sun. 6/13 - BLOCKED OPEN
- Mon., 6/14 - at Sterling - IHSA SuperSectional
- Tues., 6/15 - at Assumption 10 a.m. with Lennie G.
- 5 p.m. at Davenport West JV with Jason
- Wed., 6/16 - at Assumption 10 a.m. with Lennie G.
- Thurs., 6/17 - DH JV at Burlington 5:30 with Don Wilgenbusch
- Fri., 6/18 - BLOCKED OPEN - Camping weekend?
- Sat. 6/19 - BLOCKED OPEN
- Sun., 6/20 - OPEN
- Mon., 6/21 - DH at Burlington 5:30 with Jason Danner
- 10 a.m. at Bettendorf with Harrison
- Tues., 6/22 - 8 a.m. at DENTIST -- 5 p.m. Basketball at Orion
- Wed., 6/23 - DH at West 5:00 with Jason
- 10 a.m. at North Scott wth Cole
- Thurs., 6/24 - DHJH at Wilton 10 a.m. by myself?;
- DHJV at 5:30 p.m. at Burlington with Jason
- Fri., 6/25 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Sat., 6/26 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Sun. 6/27 - OPEN
- Mon., 6/28 - DH at Assumption 5:00 with Jason
- Tues., 6/29 - JVDH at Dav. Central 10 a.m. with Cole
- at Burlington 5:30 p.m.
- Wed., 6/30 - TRNY at 9 a.m. at West with Jason
- 5 p.m. Basketball at Orion
- Thurs., 7/1 - DH at Muscatine 5:00 with Jason
- Fri., 7/2 - DHJV at West 10
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