
Saturday, June 5, 2021

Saturday, June 5

6:34 a.m - I can't find my phone.  That's not the end of the world, but it's irritating.  Yesterday was work, work, work again.  Get up early and get the pool ready by vacuuming it, and then I also sprayed Round-up around the fence lines to try to help myself cut down yard work.  Then it was off to Burlington with my truck packed full of couches and other stuff for Carmen.  Despite my back problems, we were able to get all of it up to her third floor apartment, but I'm glad I went to the school and got a moving cart, because that helped a lot.  Then when I returned home in the afternoon, I couldn't get my truck in my driveway because all of the cars that were there with people swimming in the pool.  (I did have a nice lunch with Carmen and hung out around her apartment with her a little.) So then I was on grandchildren duty and pool area clean up duty and kitchen area clean up duty until about 8:30 when we went to bed because the Harrison girls spent the night with us.  I'm quietly typing away on this now to not wake them up, and this is after already going outside and putting chlorine in the pool and watering the flowers.  Sometimes I think I work more for other people's enjoyment than I ever actually get to enjoy myself.  Maybe I should be okay with that, because when that no longer is the case, I'll probably be dead.  

Later this morning I'm off the same direction I was yesterday...just not quite to Burlington.  I'm going to Stronghurst to work a Regional Championship game.  I have the plate, and we are working 3-man mechanics and that's a little different, so I'll need to be on my game to remember the different mechanics.  The big thing is that I don't follow fly balls as much as when in 2-man mechanics.  So I need to head to first base more.  My guess is that when I return home there will be just as many if not more cars at my house as temps are suppose to be in the 90's with humidity today.

Tomorrow is going to be a project day, so maybe I'll break out a Spotted Cow tonight.

Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future

  • Sat., 6/5 - at IHSA Regionals at West Central - 11 a.m.
  • trim bushes at home
  • trim bushes at the farm
  • waiting on credit card statement
  • waiting on IEA statement to  make final dues payment
  • weedwack the ditch
  • change the diving board
  • Schedule GMC to be fixed when part comes in
  • get I-Pass account set up for vacation
  • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • Call Gannon Pool at estimate to replace Merlin pool cover  309-788-7727
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
    • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck
  • Sun., 6/6 - BLOCKED OPEN
  • Mon., 6/7 - DH at Burlington 5:30 with Jason
  • Tues., 6/8 - DH JV at Muscatine 10 a.m. with Jason
    • 4:30 p.m. - IHSA Sectionals at West Central with Jason and Doug
  • Wed., 6/9 - BLOCKED OPEN 
  • Thurs., 6/10 - 4:30 p.m. - IHSA Sectionals at West Central with Jason and Doug
  • Fri., 6/11 - BLOCKED OPEN  -  rain date with IHSA Sectionals with Jason and Doug
  • Sat., 6/12 - BLOCKED OPEN - rain date with IHSA Sectionals with Jason and Doug
  • Sun. 6/13 - BLOCKED OPEN
  • Mon., 6/14 - at Sterling - IHSA SuperSectional
  • Tues., 6/15 - at Assumption 10 a.m. with Lennie G.
    • 5 p.m. at Davenport West JV with Jason
  • Wed., 6/16 - at Assumption 10 a.m. with Lennie G.
  • Thurs., 6/17 - DH JV at Burlington 5:30 with Don Wilgenbusch  
  • Fri., 6/18 - BLOCKED OPEN - Camping weekend?
  • Sat. 6/19 - BLOCKED OPEN
  • Sun., 6/20 - OPEN
  • Mon., 6/21 - DH at Burlington 5:30 with Jason Danner
    • 10 a.m. at Bettendorf with Harrison
  • Tues., 6/22 - 8 a.m. at DENTIST -- 5 p.m. Basketball at Orion
  • Wed., 6/23 - DH at West 5:00 with Jason
    • 10 a.m. at North Scott wth Cole
  • Thurs., 6/24 - DHJH at Wilton 10 a.m. by myself?; 
    • DHJV at 5:30 p.m. at Burlington with Jason
  • Fri., 6/25 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
  • Sat., 6/26 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
  • Sun. 6/27 - OPEN
  • Mon., 6/28 - DH at Assumption 5:00 with Jason
  • Tues., 6/29 - JVDH at Dav. Central 10 a.m. with Cole
    • at Burlington 5:30 p.m.
  • Wed., 6/30 - TRNY at 9 a.m. at West with Jason
    • 5 p.m. Basketball at Orion
  • Thurs., 7/1 - DH at Muscatine 5:00 with Jason
  • Fri., 7/2 - DHJV at West 10

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

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