5:29 a.m. - Today's big project with no softball umpiring and heat later in the day is to weed wack the ditch. It is not one of my favorite jobs, but it needs to be done. And if I have any desire and energy left after that, I'd really like to trim bushes in my landscaping. And if I have any desire and energy after that, I'd like to go to my mom and dad's and trim the bushes at their house. And if all that goes, maybe I'll spend some time trying to get that diving board off in order to replace it.
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
- trim bushes at home
- trim bushes at the farm
- waiting on credit card statement
- waiting on IEA statement to make final dues payment
- weedwack the ditch
- buy four new jugs of chlorine
- Schedule GMC to be fixed when part comes in
- get I-Pass account set up for vacation
- fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
- Call Gannon Pool at estimate to replace Merlin pool cover 309-788-7727
- buy replacement diving board
- Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
- talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
- contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck
- Mon., 6/7 - DH at Burlington 5:30 with Jason
- Tues., 6/8 - DH JV at Muscatine 10 a.m. with Jason
- 4:30 p.m. - IHSA Sectionals at West Central with Jason and Doug
- Wed., 6/9 - BLOCKED OPEN
- Thurs., 6/10 - 4:30 p.m. - IHSA Sectionals at West Central with Jason and Doug
- Fri., 6/11 - BLOCKED OPEN - rain date with IHSA Sectionals with Jason and Doug
- Sat., 6/12 - BLOCKED OPEN - rain date with IHSA Sectionals with Jason and Doug
- Sun. 6/13 - BLOCKED OPEN
- Mon., 6/14 - at Sterling - IHSA SuperSectional
- Tues., 6/15 - at Assumption 10 a.m. with Lennie G.
- 5 p.m. at Davenport West JV with Jason
- Wed., 6/16 - at Assumption 10 a.m. with Lennie G.
- Thurs., 6/17 - DH JV at Burlington 5:30 with Don Wilgenbusch
- Fri., 6/18 - BLOCKED OPEN - Camping weekend?
- Sat. 6/19 - BLOCKED OPEN
- Sun., 6/20 - OPEN
- Mon., 6/21 - DH at Burlington 5:30 with Jason Danner
- 10 a.m. at Bettendorf with Harrison
- Tues., 6/22 - 8 a.m. at DENTIST -- 5 p.m. Basketball at Orion
- Wed., 6/23 - DH at West 5:00 with Jason
- 10 a.m. at North Scott wth Cole
- Thurs., 6/24 - DHJH at Wilton 10 a.m. by myself?;
- DHJV at 5:30 p.m. at Burlington with Jason
- Fri., 6/25 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Sat., 6/26 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Sun. 6/27 - OPEN
- Mon., 6/28 - DH at Assumption 5:00 with Jason
- Tues., 6/29 - JVDH at Dav. Central 10 a.m. with Cole
- at Burlington 5:30 p.m.
- Wed., 6/30 - TRNY at 9 a.m. at West with Jason
- 5 p.m. Basketball at Orion
- Thurs., 7/1 - DH at Muscatine 5:00 with Jason
- Fri., 7/2 - DHJV at West 10
Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish
- edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
- create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
- respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a
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