6:19 a.m. - Yes, it's still raining. Yesterday was a long day, but after the games and clinic classroom session, I went to City Limits with my brother Darren who was in town to watch players at the Justin Sharp Shootout. It was nice to talk with him and catch up on life. He lives in Missouri now, so I see him perhaps a few times a month at best. As far as the clinic, my knee held up enough to make it work. I'm not a big fan of clinics like this, and we certainly didn't have enough newer officials participating. Most of the "more experienced" (I'm not ready to call myself a veteran official yet) only participate because the have to in order to meet requirements for the IHSA. We aren't really participating because we WANT to get additional training as an official. I know that sounds bad, but it's true. Most of us would rather be working to make the money or just be taking the time off away from working. The newer officials need the training, as I did when I was starting out. The problem is that for complete "newbies", it's all overwhelming. So what ends up occurring is that the training really only really benefits people that have a little experience to know what they don't know. I know that sounds weird, but there really should be three levels of camp training - complete newbies, know what they don't know, and experienced. I'm not saying that experienced officials don't need refreshers and can't learn something new; I'm just saying the approach and the time involved needs to be changed. Plus...MY GOODNESS...the clinicians and evaluators need to create a dynamic approach to training. Telling stories and just "talking"....UGH! I get that veteran officials are proud of their accomplishments; I get that veteran officials have lots of stories; I just don't need to be sitting in a classroom at 6 p.m. on a Friday listening. If I want to do that, invite me to a social hour, give me some pizza and beverages, and if I'm interested, I'll attend. Today, I go back to work some more. I'll be driving with Shawn, so that's good, and he needs the training because he's in the category of "knowing what he doesn't know". And yesterday, I got to spend some time with Marcus, and that was good too. So today (and yesterday) were fine because at least I got to spend time with my future crew partners.
Things To Do
- Sat., 6/26 - at Justin Sharp Shootout
- 9 a.m. (Pepsico 3), 11 a.m. (Pepsico 2), and 2 p.m. (Pepsico 2)
- I should receive $25 each for games 4 and 5
- install the antenna crank and bumper caps I ordered
- put weed and feed on back yard
- weed wack the ditch
- weed wack the swamp
- round up the trim and fence lines
- get I-Pass account set up for vacation
- Put $200 on the account
- fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
- Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
- talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
- contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck
- Sun. 6/27 - OPEN
- Mon., 6/28 - DH at Assumption 5:00 with Jason
- 10 a.m. at Wilton with Cole
- Tues., 6/29 - JVDH at Dav. Central 10 a.m.
- at Burlington 5:30 p.m. with Pete
- Wed., 6/30 - TRNY at 9 a.m. at West with Jason (3 games)
- 5 p.m. Basketball at Orion
- Thurs., 7/1 - DH at Muscatine 5:00 with Jason
- Fri., 7/2 - DHJV at West 10 and then casino with Jason, Tad, spouses
- edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
- create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
- respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a
Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish
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