10:53 a.m. - Okay...so the first JayFlight adventure of the 2021 season wasn't picture perfect with weather. ON THE OTHER HAND, it was perfect enough for a quick weekend get-a-way with Loud Thunder Forest Preserve close by. I shook the cobwebs of memories off my brain and got back into camping mode. We went out Friday night, and I got back about an hour ago. Friday night's weather was good for a campfire, but we just grabbed a Casey's pizza for supper. Saturday morning Amber and I went for a hike on the South SacFox trail, and this was Amber's first time on the trail, so that was fun for her...we were out for about an hour. Then after our hike, Amber went to help out Kenzie, and I went back home to mow the yard before the "big rain" hit. I had actually thought about bringing the camper back Saturday afternoon because each forecast seemed to bring the rain in earlier than the previous forecast, and I didn't really want to sit in the rain from early afternoon through this morning. I figured, though, that we had been in rain before, and we would just take our chances. So I quickly worked on getting the yard mowed, which was actually faster without the trailer parked next to the house. Then I went back to Loud Thunder and had some quiet time reading my book. The weather was funky...it was warm enough to sit outside in a jacket and read my book for awhile, and then it got cold. The wind would be breezy, and then it would calm. There were a few sprinkles here and there, but for the most part the weather stayed cloudy, cool, but dry. We were planning supper around five and the rain was staying to the south, so we went ahead and had a fire, and I cooked the hamburgers over the wood fire. I would say the "rain" really didn't start until maybe around 7 p.m., which was time enough to have a little camp picnic with Jack, Rhonda, Karrigan, and Sophie, who came to visit. We ate outside under the awning in jackets and the sprinkles were hit and miss. At times the sprinkles would stop, and we would sit by the fire. Eventually the rain appeared to be permanent, so our guests left, I put up the awning, and the rest of the night was indoors and rainy. And at times it was real rainy. At one point a big thunder hit, and it startled me out of my sleep. I really didn't sleep well the rest of the night because it was pouring down rain. Once again, though, Mother Nature helped out by turning off the rain faucets around 9 a.m.. The pavement was wet and the grass was wet, and it was cold and cloudy still, but it didn't take much time at all to pack up and exit the campground. We still now have time to celebrate Mother's Day by visiting my mom at Mary's, and I think we will head to the Casino tonight to cap off the day. That primarily means losing money, but I'll try to keep the losing limited. I do still need to park the trailer by the house, but I'm hoping to let the sun come out and perhaps dry the ground a little bit so it's not so soft when I'm backing it in.
- edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - for May 10
- create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - May 11
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
- respond to student/parent emails and update grades
- schedule next FRW assignment for May 12
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
- Figure out solution to humidity in JayFlight when running heater.
- Figure out solution to setting temperature of hot water heater in JayFlight
- May 24 Chase Birthday
- review leftover entries and record blogger participation in Lumen
- fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
- Call Gannon Pool at estimate to replace Merlin pool cover 309-788-7727
- Continue working with TK to organize financial management thingss
- talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
- fix the green door
- plan big adventure - dates are July 25-August 7
- figure out where and when to stop on return drive home
- Mon., 5/10 at MonRose 4:30 with Ron Grant
- Tues., 5/11 DH at Ridgewood 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Wed., 5/12 at UTHS 4:30 with Sergio Villarreal
- Thurs., 5/13 JV at Sherrard 4:30 with Steve Vandervinne
- Fri., 5/14 - personal day OPEN CAMPING West Lake or LT?
- Sat., 5/15 - CAMPING West Lake or LT?
- Sun. 5/16 - CAMPING West Lake or LT?
- Mon., 5/17 DH at United 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 5/18 open
- Wed., 5/19 at Alleman 4:30 with Sergio
- Thurs., 5/20 DH at West Central 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Fri., 5/21 BLOCKED OPEN
- Mon., 5/24 at AlWood 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 5/25 JV at West 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Wed., 5/26 DH? at North Scott 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Thurs., 5/27 DH at MerCo 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Fri., 5/28 - personal day CAMPING in Black River Falls
- Mon., 5/31 - returning from CAMPING
- Tues., 6/1 - DH? at Assumption 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Wed., 6/2 - at Assumption - may be IHSA Regionals
- Thurs., 6/3 - DH? JV at Burlington 5:30 no partner yet - may be IHSA Regionals
- Fri., 6/4 - BLOCKED OPEN - IHSA or USSSA - may be IHSA Regionals
- Sat., 6/5 - BLOCKED OPEN - IHSA or USSSA - may be IHSA Regionals
- Sun., 6/6 - BLOCKED OPEN/USSSA?-
- Mon., 6/7 - DH? at Burlington 5:30 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 6/8 - DH? JV at Muscatine 10 a.m. with Jason Danner - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Wed., 6/9 - DH? JV at North Scott 10 a.m. with Ralph Henning - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Thurs., 6/10 - BLOCKED - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Fri., 6/11 - BLOCKED OPEN - IHSA or USSSA - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Sat., 6/12 - BLOCKED OPEN - IHSA or USSSA - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Mon., 6/14 - BLOCKED - may also be IHSA SuperSectional
- Tues., 6/15 - OPEN
- Wed., 6/16 - OPEN - may be IHSA State Finals
- Thurs., 6/17 - DH? JV at Burlington 5:30 with Don Wilgenbusch - may be State Finals
- Fri., 6/18 - may be IHSA State Finals
- Sat. 6/19 - may be IHSA State Finals
- Sun., 6/20 - OPEN
- Mon., 6/21 - DH? at Burlington 5:30 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 6/22 - 8 a.m. at DENTIST -- DH? at DeWitt 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Wed., 6/23 - DH? at West 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Thurs., 6/24 - DH?JH at Wilton 10 a.m. by myself?; DHJV at 5:30 p.m. at Burlington with Jason Danner
- Fri., 6/25 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Sat., 6/26 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Sun. 6/27 - OPEN (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Mon., 6/28 - DH? at Assumption 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 6/29 - JVDH at Dav. Central 10 a.m. with Cole
- Wed., 6/30 - TRNY at 9 a.m. at West with Jason Danner
- Thurs., 7/1 - DH at Muscatine 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Fri., 7/2 - DHJV at West 10 a.m. with Jason Danner - DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL
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