So Jake Peterson asked me how I was doing today...and I'm great right now because on my adventure to the teacher's lounge I encountered pie. This wasn't just any pie...this was homemade grandma must have touched it with love pie. I couldn't have any yesterday when it was offered to teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week by Mrs. Hasson, but apparently some fools didn't eat it all yesterday, so the leftover pie was placed in the lounge. All I can say is WOW. I think it was like a blackberry-raspberry combination pie and the crust was flaky and buttery, and the filling wasn't runny or dry. The whole dang piece was just a little slice of savory delicious heaven. I was have tempted to take the other pieces with me home, but I didn't think it was fair, and I worried I might get caught.
And when you think of something that really stands alone by itself in the guilty pleasures category, doesn't pie fall in that category. The thing is, it can't be HyVee Pie or some fundraising frozen pie or even some Village Inn pie. It has to be that pie that some senior citizen grandma made after years of learning and making mistakes and revising. It was pie that probably used lard and real butter and was carefully and slowly crafted to make sure no corners were cut. That's the pie I'm talking about. Like on the Men In Black movies when the reference is made to pie...there's nothing like a great piece of pie.
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