So on the news last night was a story that featured a 6th grade girl that took a hand gun to school and started firing away. No one was killed but a custodian and two other students were injured. Apparently a teacher was able to stop the shooter and hold her down until help arrived. A 6th grader...SERIOUSLY? And what even is more depressing is that I have to be surprised that it was a 6th grade somehow a high schooler is more justified in a school shooting or some adult is justified in a mass shooting in a WalMart. But in an era of "that would never happen here", what middle school parent in Idaho ever thought that a sixth grade girl would take a hand gun to a school and start firing? That was just the kind of story I needed to further express my need to take the JayFlight down the road and get out of the house. It's going to be a brief trip, and I'm actually going to have to make my way back home on Saturday and spend a couple of hours on the yard before the two inches of rain hit Saturday overnight. In fact, I'm considering just pulling the camper back home before the rain hits Saturday night, but I probably won't. Maybe a night of being in a rainstorm in the camper will help my frustration. The problem with the rain is that in the morning, I'll be packing up the camper in soggy conditions, which is doable but not ideal. Maybe we'll get lucky and the rain will go south of us instead of hitting us. That would make life a little easier on Sunday, which is Mother's Day.
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