Overwhelmingly today, students that have shared have expressed the opinion that indian mascots can and should be kept as is. One student last period did indicate that if perhaps a new school or college was built, that the mascot selected should not be "indian" in nature, but she felt that previous mascots were a tradition that should be kept.
One thing I haven't brought up yet today was why the Washington Football Team removed their mascot and the Chicago Blackhawks have not? Is it possible that the Blackhawks have some sort of naming rights they purchased and compensate someone or some tribe for? We sell naming rights for big sports stadiums, right? Would it be reasonable for an indigenous tribe to expect compensation for a mascot, logo, or team name depicting its ancestors? I think I remember hearing that Florida State University and the Seminole tribe have a mutual agreement, likely involving money I'm sure, that the FSU can continue to call itself the Seminoles and use a mascot.
The University of Illinois calls itself the Fighting Illini, but several years ago did away with Chief Illiniwek as it's primary mascot, even though many people felt that was not the right thing to do. I don't know if descendants from the Illini tribe even exist anymore, but I wonder if somehow and some way, the University of Illinois compensates the tribe for usage of the name.
Damonte Henry, Cade Reimers, Tyler Hendley, Hannah Lee, Wyatt Harby,
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