When we had a socratic seminar recently, one of the questions to consider was should ancestors of slaves receive some sort of compensation. Most students were emphatic about saying no. Okay, well, would it be unreasonable for say the IHSA or the State of Illinois to request that all schools change their mascots away from indians or something similar? What harm would there be? So instead of the Lewistown Indians, maybe they would be called the Lewistown Lions. True, there would be a cost to resurfacing the floor and perhaps panting over the paintings in the gym and removing the statue, but would that be the type of gesture that could be reasonable?
The documentary we are going to begin watching tomorrow will take a look at the way America has viewed Native Americans, and just like we determined that African slaves weren't livestock; they were people, so to should we view Native Americans not as animals or objects to serve as mascots, but as people.
Logan Watson, Drew Parchert, Preston Matlick, Connor Shaffer, Cole Kuster, Jaxon Brokaw,
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