Last period there were three students that chose to share their thoughts. All seemed to feel that it is not necessary to require schools or even other organizations to change their mascots from "indians" or "warriors" or "braves" or the many other forms of basically the same thing. I think I also should have mentioned how Black Hawk College also changed it's logo, although the name of the mascot is still listed as "braves". As I continue to consider different organizations, I just thought of the Kansas City Chiefs.
There would be a cost to changing a mascot, right? New signage, new stationary, revised social media and news media marketing. And the old jerseys and caps and other apparel would then be inaccurate. I don't recall seeing a new jersey with the tittle Washington Football Team, but maybe there are. And there are the fans right? Right or wrong or indifferent, many fans a loyal and deeply connected to their team's mascot. Consider fans that have purchased a lot of items over the years of the Washington Redskins only to now discover that they will someday be the Washington River Otters. Now what do they do with all their memorabilia?
One student suggested last period that to move on is to not dwell on the past. Past mistakes cannot be corrected, but could mascots be away to correct how American people have often viewed indigenous people?
Kayla Brereton, Kierney McDonald, Morgan McClain,
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