7th period is usually willing to express their views, so it will be nice to hear their viewpoints. Throughout the day many students have designated what might be a "good indian mascot" name and a "bad indian mascot" name, which I find interesting. For example one students stated he was fine with Redskins, while another student suggested "indians" was okay but perhaps "redskins" is a slur much like nigger or spic or faggot or retard or some other insensitive or hateful label.
And the line of what constitutes an acceptable mascot and unacceptable mascot has varied from class period to class period. Here in our community and the Quad Cities, we see the use of Black Hawk on billboards and used by companies and even our local bank branch. It's true that Black Hawk and the Sac and Fox tribes were in this area, but does that automatically mean the use of their likeness in logos is acceptable?
This topic of mascots isn't just a professional or college level thing. Throughout the day I've been Google searching the topic and have found pretty recent news strories about school boards adopting new names from indian type names. And in those stories there has been community support in a new name as well as community support for keeping the traditional name. And both sides of the issue often have strong opinions, sometimes indeed very passionate opinions.
Jacob Peterson, Taylor Murley, Kaelyn Causemaker, Sarah Rogers,
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