
Friday, March 26, 2021

3-26 1st Period

Well I didn't take the Illinois Science Assessment, so I will rely on your feedback for that.  My Spring Break really isn't going to be all that exciting, so I'm not sure if that's a good topic.  I do plan on getting the camper out of storage, but I doubt we will do any camping.  I also will likely be opening up the pool, but I really don't want to do that because once it's opened, then I have to take care of the dang thing until Fall.  I'll be doing some officiating of volleyball over Spring Break, even though tomorrow I'm actually attending a softball umpiring clinic in Macomb with Erin's dad.

I hope for students that the film Smoke Signals makes Indigenous Americans more real, more human.  I know that sounds crazy, but keep in mind the main bad thing that we've heard through our exploration of slave narratives and Indigenous narratives, and that bad thing is that some humans have a weakness in believing other humans are less than humans.  Some humans see others as less, as not as worthy, and I hope all of you recognize that no human is less than the other.  Despite the many differences that exists between different cultures and races and everything else, there are deeper and more important similarities.  Whether you are watching a documentary, a film, or reading a book about another human, I hope that compassion and empathy build in you.  A deeper understanding of others is a HUGE reason for literature and stories.  

Brayden Deem, Cole McCabe, 

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