
Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Coronavirus Arrives

It's here...and in fact, what likely is this case is that it has been here for awhile.  I wouldn't doubt if the dang little bug has even been local rather than just on the west coast and here and there in a variety of places throughout the U.S.  It's unnerving, but the science is suggesting that combatting the the new coronavirus is pretty similar to battling the flu.

I'm not doctor, but it appears that some people struggle to fight it off, which leads to pneumonia, which then can be fatal.  And it appears that this situation normally occurs with senior citizens that already have other health issues.

So while the stock market is going crazy, and the politics of the dang thing run wild, it seems like common sense should prevail.  All people need to work to keep themselves and others as healthy as possible. 

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