
Monday, March 23, 2020

2020 - Covidcation - Day 3

Well, it's back to work after spring break.  And by back to work I mean going to the school building for as long as it takes to get "stuff"and bring back home.  I plan to get textbook (even though students won't have them), video camera and tripod, any facial tissue and hand sanitizer I might have left, and two Chromebooks and chargers.  At least that's what on my list so far.  I'm going to take my backpack and "load up" of those things and anything else that I might need...I may see about grabbing a couple books from the library too.  After today, we are suppose to stay out of the building, and today, we are suppose to practice social distancing.

I woke up at 4:30 today and couldn't get back to sleep.  I watched some news, which pretty much is a repeat of yesterday's news - virus cases on the rise, healthcare system is being stretched too far, President Trump isn't leading the country very well or is doing awesome (depending on which channel of "news" you are watching), and everyone should stay home.

So the 1:30 dismissal schedule won't officially begin until tomorrow.  Today I'm going to focus on getting parent calls finished and maybe trying to grade more research papers.

On another development, my weight is going up.  Not only is no officiating/umpiring taking it's toll, I'm just not as active on a daily basis when "sheltering in place".  I'm good about exercising in the morning, but I really need to get something accomplished in the evening too.  Plus, I'm consuming too many calories for my activity level.  This morning I weighed in at 220, and that's just not acceptable.  The challenge is on!  I need to exercise more and consume fewer calories.

I'm back from school, and that was weird.  I was gathering up belongings and other things I would need for e-learning, and it felt like I was being fired.  I know what it feels like to be fired, and the feeling of being forced out of the building carrying out boxes of belongings is odd.  There was no one around except the school psychologist who was just heading out herself.  We just had a "good morning" to each other, and that was it.  While I was gathering up my stuff, I also throughout some stuff I'm not going to need, so I guess I did a little cleaning too.  Once I returned home, I made my phone calls to parents, most of whom weren't home or weren't answering, so I sent my follow-up email and filled out the spreadsheet.  Before all that, I went ahead and put stuff from school back into respective areas.  One small tote went into the new "office"; another box when downstairs to be sorted later.  I also brought a couple of chromebooks home and was able to get them fired up, so I think from a "readiness" standpoint, I'm all set.  It's now 11:28, which seems close enough to the end of my school day today, especially since I still have more "sorting" to do, which will consist of that last half hour of "work".

Jay's NEW NORMAL WORK DAY SCHEDULE (in development)
In order to attempt to keep a sense of normalcy, I think I'm going to try to establish a 1:30 dismissal schedule to each day.

Prior to 8:10 a.m.
- wake-up, feed animals, make a cup of coffee, watch the morning news (usually around 6 a.m.)
- stretch and exercise (varies) and clean kitty litter
- weigh myself and enter weight in the Google spreadsheet
- check banking account online and make any changes needed to Google Spreadsheet
- shower, shave, and get dressed for the work day.

8:10-8:46 - 1st period English III
8:51-9:23 - 2nd period Advanced English III
9:28-10:00 - 3rd period Advanced English III
10:05-10:37 - 4th period English III
10:42-11:14 - 6th period Study Hall
11:19-11:55 - 7th period English III
12:00-12:55- 5th period PREP
1:00-1:30 - C Lunch

Things for today
  • Possible
    • stretch and get a work out in (completed before 7 a.m.)
    • get another walk, jog, bike in later in the day
  • Scheduled
    • go to school for "stuff"
      • done...picked up stuff and threw some old stuff away in trash/recycle.
    • watch the rest of 1983 basketball game versus Geneseo.
      • done...we won!  We are 2-0 on the season.

Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus.
  • Will the "worst-case-scenario" projections come true.  
  • I now consider all the people I'm coming in contact with, and I fear that the more people I come in contact with is increasing the likelihood that I could contract the virus and either experience symptoms or be a carrier. 
  • When someone coughs or sneezes or suggests he/she isn't feeling well, I automatically wonder if they have contracted the virus.
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
  • Call Modern Woodmen - Ruth Ahnen
    • I called and left a voice mail...need to call back again.
    • She called back and said my policy has a cash value of $5,000.  I said I wanted to get the policy going again.
  • Get the lawn tractor ready to go - sharpen the blades.
  • Organize my past pics (photo albums)
    • I found "the stash"!  There was a tote that I hadn't explored, and it's got more "stuff" in it.  I thing I will work on that today if I can get to it.
    • done...last night I got into the tote and went through the pics...a bit bittersweet good memories and heart-tugging memories of life with Sue and the kids as a family.
  • pick up my umpiring/officiating pants at Monster Sewing - was scheduled for this coming Tuesday.
  • GoogleMEET at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow March 24th - HS Staff meeting
  • I finished reading the book I was reading...not sure if I liked it or not, but I did enjoy the different approach to having 10 short stories connected.
Things At/For School
  • Pick up the trash around the grounds.
  • Finish course syllabus
  • Contact assigned list of students from Mrs. Hasson
    • done...I only reached someone on three of the calls; everybody else I left a voice mail and sent a follow-up email
Things For E-Learning
  • Read a new book to the students.
  • Use Google Meet
  • Still could do (encore sessions) training path presenter series from videotaped sessions from past years.
  • Still could do short stories unit
  • Would need to get novels out to students to complete those units.
  • Videotape a lesson and post to classroom.
  • Still do journal write (not sure about share) using Blogger
  • Still have Free Read Wednesdays (e ticket/slip?)
  • Still can update EnvisonMe sites

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