
Saturday, March 14, 2020

It's A Different World At Least For A Couple of Weeks

No sports, no umpiring, no schools, no casinos...and that's just what I know of now.  I'm not sure if Turning Pointe is going to stay open, and it seems like other closures occur on an hourly basis.  The coronavirus is gaining ground on shutting down "normal life".  Here are some things I do know.

I'm gaining weight.  After basketball season, I knew I would gain weight.  My plan was to give my knees and legs a break, so I was not going to have as much cardio work.  I also planned to increase strength training, which would hopefully help me gain some muscle weight, which I planned later would help me work on another weight loss period when softball umpiring arrived.  Because softball umpiring is canceled for at least the next two weeks, I'm not going to get that cardio vascular from that activity.  So I'm going to need to find an alternate activity...I'm thinking about adding some 21-day fix videos that I can do in the basement at home.  Plus, I think today, I'm going to go purchase a new pair of running shoes.  I tried to jog around town a couple of days ago on worn out shoes, and my knees paid the price.  So I think between trying to get more jogging in and adding at least a daily cardio video work out and trying to lift a little with the limited free weights I have, I can try to complete and alternative workout schedule.  That will help, but I'm also going to count my calories.  I haven't been doing this, but I need to do this now to better monitor my food intake.  I don't enjoy this step, but it's necessary.

No sports viewing.  THIS IS A BIG ONE.  This week the NCAA and all professional sports suspended or cancelled their seasons.  UGH.  I am really going to miss March Madness.  I think I'm going to consciously watch a movie now and then just to help that frustration.  Last night I watched A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood, and it was amazing.  I cried.  I've always had a belief that angels exist among us, but it occurred to me that even angels have to consistently work at being who they are.  I hope someone considers me an angel for them.

No casinos.  This one might not necessarily be a bad thing.  Amber and I played slots at Rudy's last night, and I only lost $20.  Apparently, Illinois casinos will be closing after this weekend, and that might be a blessing in disguise.  Last year with all the snow days, Amber and I were frequent guests at Jumer's.  Losing money at the casino and not officiating because of canceled basketball games was not a good combination.  I can see the same thing unfolding now.  On the other hand, Iowa hasn't said anything about closing casinos yet, and Illinois hasn't said anything about closing down bars yet.  For the time being then, slot machines are still accessible.

Speaking of money...good news and bad news.  The bad news is that I just spent almost $600 on new uniforms for the upcoming softball and eventual volleyball and basketball seasons.  I also spent over $2,000 on repairs to my HHR to be ready for the miles...oops.  It's not like I won't eventually still need those things, but having the cash to get through this coronavirus shut down might become necessary.  I'm guessing all the stimulus dollars President Trump is throwing at us isn't necessarily going to reach my bank account.  The good news is that I didn't follow through with a plan to pay off my credit card.  I know that may actually sound like bad news, but holding off on that allows me to have some available cash flow dollars to get through this period.

I've got a couple of books to read, and I have some research papers to read and score.  At least, for now, I won't be bored, or at least I don't have to be.  I'm not suggesting that scoring research papers is going to be at the top of my list to spring out of bed and start my day with, but having some extra time to complete that task is welcomed.  Plus, if I can get the papers scored, and can then release those scores and students could "ideally" have an opportunity to revise their work.

I would also like to maybe visit with Carmen and Cole.  They had their original spring break last week, and I didn't get a chance to see them.  I also will visit with Mom and Dad and check on them.  I'm thinking maybe a poker party with the boys might be a good idea too.

Day one of Spring Break and Coronavirus Break is off and running.

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