
Saturday, March 21, 2020

2020 - Covidcation - Day 1

Spring Break, according to my principles, is over.  Covidcation again according to my principles, begins today.  So even though the calendar says Saturday, March 21, I'm calling it 2020 - Covidcation - Day 1.  I didn't make up that term on my own; I heard something similar from a Sherrard student when I was observing a Google Meet session between a teacher and group of students last week.

In order to attempt to keep a sense of normalcy, I think I'm going to try to establish a 1:30 dismissal schedule to each day.

8:10-8:46 - 1st period English III
8:51-9:23 - 2nd period Advanced English III
9:28-10:00 - 3rd period Advanced English III
10:05-10:37 - 4th period English III
10:42-11:14 - 6th period Study Hall
11:19-11:55 - 7th period English III
12:00-12:55- 5th period PREP
1:00-1:30 - C Lunch

In all honesty, I've selected this schedule a little selfishly.  Because I have 5th period free, my "work day" with students essentially ends at noon, but these are strange time, so I'm going to give myself that flexibility to make my day.  Once RHS starts our online learning protocol, we have been instructed to be "available" until 1:00 p.m., so this schedule can meet that requirement.  My plan is to grade research papers according to the assigned class period each day until I'm finished scoring those.  I don't know how many days that will take, but I'll post my accomplishments.  This self-imposed schedule may actually start Tuesday because Monday I need to get over to school to pick up some items - video recorder, textbook, any tissues I have left over, any hand sanitizer that is left, and anything else I may think I need.  I do think I'm going to "copy-and-paste" my menu items from the previous day to continue to give myself ideas of things to do after my "work day".  Even though it's Saturday, I'm going to keep that going.

So prior to 8:10 a.m.
- wake-up, feed animals, make a cup of coffee, watch the morning news (usually around 6 a.m.)
- stretch and exercise (varies) and clean kitty litter
- weigh myself and enter weight in the Google spreadsheet
- check banking account online and make any changes needed to Google Spreadsheet
- shower, shave, and get dressed for the work day.

Things possible today
  • stretch and get a work out in
    • Accomplished before 9 a.m.
  • listen to a podcast or two or three - Google Tribe, Sober Guy, nutrition guys
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus.
  • Will the "worst-case-scenario" projections come true.  Right now the percentage of cases that test positive ranges daily from 12-14%.  Roughly 2-4% of all cases become severe.  When you start plugging in the numbers, it gets scary.  Earlier today, Illinois had only tested about 3,000 people.
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
  • Polish my dress shoes and umpiring shoes.
    • done (11:54 a.m.)
    • also ended up cleaning the clog drain in my bathroom, not an awful job, but also not much fun, so it was good to finish
  • Get the lawn tractor ready to go - sharpen the blades.
  • Organize my past pics (photo albums)
  • 2 p.m. tomorrow - e-learning GMEET session
  • pick up my umpiring/officiating pants at Monster Sewing - was scheduled for this coming Tuesday.
Things At/For School
  • Pick up the trash around the grounds.
  • Finish course syllabus
  • Contact learning lab students
Things For E-Learning
  • Read a new book to the students.
  • Use Google Meet
  • Still could do (encore sessions) training path presenter series from videotaped sessions from past years.
  • Still could do short stories unit
  • Would need to get novels out to students to complete those units.
  • Videotape a lesson and post to classroom.
  • Still do journal write (not sure about share) using Blogger
  • Still have Free Read Wednesdays (e ticket/slip?)
  • Still can update EnvisonMe sites

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