
Thursday, March 19, 2020

2020 Day 3 Spring Break

Things I could do today...from yesterday
  • stretch and get a work out in
  • watch a movie - I think I might watch that foreign film that won all those academy awards - Parasite?
  • visit my parents to check in on them
  • listen to a podcast or two or three - Google Tribe, Sober Guy, nutrition guys
  • Learn more about Google Hangouts...I think I may be able to use this to "hold class" online, but I need to get permission from RR300 to enable it for me and my students.  I've been wanting to explore this for awhile, and I have a lot more time on my hands right now to be able to learn about it.
Things that I think about with the coronavirus.
  • Why is it a good idea for restaurants to stay open and offer drive thru service?  Are there people making food and then distributing it to other people.  What if the food service workers making the food are asymptomatic but have the virus?
  • With all the money that the government is using to prop up the economy, how does the economy eventually rebound?  After the virus subsides, to prices jump to help businesses cover loans and losses?
  • Will this thing just have to "run its course" until people build up immunity?  Today I voted and ran a couple of errands, and I didn't really feel any difference in today than other days.  People were out and about, the polling place for today's primary vote wore no special equipment, nor was any offered at the polling place.  People were in Walgreens, even if there was no toilet paper left.
  • The government recommendations change daily, which only leads me to think that new information each day indicates that the situation is going to be worse than the previous days' recommendations, or the previous day's recommendations aren't working.  Why aren't we just sitting on recommendations at least for a few days to see what happens?
  • I've attempted to limit my contact with other people.  I foresee a time when everyday people may have to be trained to be "helpers"...maybe delivery drivers..maybe health aides...maybe who knows what else?  Should I volunteer to be a helper, or should I just work to try to stay home?
Things I Could Do In the Future
  • Polish my dress shoes and umpiring shoes.
  • Get the lawn tractor ready to go - sharpen the blades.
Things At School
  • Pick up the trash around the grounds.
  • Finish course syllabus
Things For E-Learning
  • Read a new book to the students.
  • Use Zoom or Google Chat to have "chat classrooms."
  • Still could do (encore sessions) training path presenter series from videotaped sessions from past years.
  • Still could do short stories unit
  • Would need to get novels out to students to complete those units.
  • Videotape a lesson and post to classroom.
  • Still do journal write (not sure about share) using Blogger
  • Still have Free Read Wednesdays (e ticket/slip?)
  • Still can update EnvisonMe sites

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